Telehealth in Primary Care: Its Benefits and Limitations

Telehealth in Primary Care: Its Benefits and Limitations

Health Tech

Telehealth has dramatically changed how primary care is delivered, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Analyses of commercial claims in 2022 show that telehealth services were mostly rendered by primary care, psychiatry and psychology clinicians, as well as social workers. This shift expands healthcare access. It’s also introduced new challenges and opportunities for providers and patients that use telehealth in primary care. 

In this article, we’ll explore the various facets of telehealth in primary care, its benefits, challenges, and best practices for implementation.


Benefits of Telehealth in Primary Care

Let’s look at some advantages of using telehealth in a primary care practice.


Telehealth can be cost-effective for both healthcare providers and patients. It reduces overhead costs for healthcare facilities and lowers patient expenses related to transportation and time off work.

  • Reduced Overhead: Healthcare providers can save on costs related to office space, utilities, and administrative staff.
  • Lower Patient Costs: Patients save money on travel expenses and can avoid taking unpaid time off work for appointments.
  • Efficient Resource Use: Telehealth can help optimize the use of healthcare resources by reducing the need for in-person visits for minor issues.

Increased access to care

Elderly woman on Zoom with health provider

Telehealth has made healthcare more accessible, especially for those in remote or underserved areas. Patients no longer need to travel long distances to see a doctor. This is particularly beneficial for people with mobility issues or those without reliable transportation.

  • Remote Access: Telehealth allows patients in rural areas to access specialists and primary care providers without the need for travel.

  • Convenience: Patients can schedule appointments at times that work best for them, reducing the need to take time off work or arrange childcare.

  • Reduced Costs: Telehealth can save patients money on travel expenses and lost wages from taking time off work.

Improved patient engagement

Telehealth makes it easier for patients to stay in touch with their healthcare providers. This can lead to better patient adherence to treatment plans, and improved health outcomes (Hatef et al., 2024). A few specific telehealth offerings that help improve patient engagement are:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Telehealth allows for continuous monitoring of chronic conditions, allowing for prompt interventions.

  • Follow-Ups: Virtual follow-up appointments can ensure that patients are following their treatment plans and making necessary lifestyle changes.

  • Patient Education: Telehealth platforms can provide educational resources to help patients understand their conditions and treatments better.

Telehealth case management (TCM)

Black man using his blood pressure monitor at home

In a Canadian study, health providers noted that TCM helped them to effectively coordinate care and support patients’ self-management, including remote monitoring, which improves patient engagement between visits.  

TCM is well-suited for activities like check-ins, refills, reminders, and care coordination, but in-person appointments are often required for complex needs and initial assessments. Providers noted that video visits can help bridge the gap between in-person and phone visits, but the lack of face-to-face interaction can obscure visual health cues (Delahunty-Pike et al., 2023).

Phone visit attendance vs. video visits

A study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine compared non-attendance rates for telehealth and in-person primary care visits at a large urban healthcare system (Chen et al., 2022). The researchers found that telephone visits had similar or lower non-attendance rates compared to in-person visits, but video visits had higher non-attendance rates. This suggests that phone visits may be easier for patients than video visits.

They also identified certain demographic groups that had consistently higher or lower non-attendance rates across visit modalities. Patients who were White, male, and had public insurance or no insurance, and generally had higher non-attendance rates. In contrast, patients who were Asian or had more comorbidities had lower non-attendance rates.

These findings highlight the importance of considering patient preferences, digital access, and demographic factors when implementing telehealth services. 

Telehealth Challenges and Limitations

While telehealth has many advantages in healthcare, it also presents several challenges that healthcare providers and patients must navigate.

Frustrated woman with hand up and laptop

Technical barriers

The technical barrier is one of the biggest challenges people face when using telehealth. Some patients don’t have access to the necessary technology or the digital literacy to use telehealth platforms effectively.

  • Internet Connectivity: Reliable internet access is essential for telehealth, but not all patients have access to high-speed internet.
  • Access to Devices: Some patients may not have access to smartphones, tablets, or computers needed for telehealth visits.
  • Digital Literacy: Patients and providers need to be comfortable using telehealth technology.

Health insurance squeeze heart

Telehealth regulations and reimbursement policies vary widely, which can create challenges for healthcare providers (Mechanic et al., 2022).

  • Variable Regulations: Telehealth regulations differ by region, making it challenging for providers to navigate the legal landscape.

  • Reimbursement Challenges: Obtaining reimbursement for telehealth services can be difficult, as insurance policies and government programs may not always cover these services.

  • Licensing Issues: Providers may need to be licensed in the state where the patient is located, which can complicate the delivery of telehealth services.

Quality of care concerns

Some healthcare providers and patients are concerned about the quality of care delivered via telehealth. While telehealth can be effective for many types of care, it may not be suitable for all situations.

  • Physical Examinations: Certain conditions require a physical examination, which can be difficult to perform remotely.

Best Practices to Implement Telehealth in Primary Care

To successfully implement telehealth in a primary care practice, there are several best practices healthcare providers should consider.

Technology and infrastructure

Implementing telehealth successfully requires investment in reliable technology and infrastructure.

  • Reliable Platforms: Healthcare providers should invest in robust telehealth platforms that offer high-quality video and audio capabilities.

  • Cybersecurity: Protecting patient data is crucial. Providers should implement strong cybersecurity measures to ensure patient privacy.

  • Technical Support: Offering technical support to both patients and providers can help overcome some of the technical barriers to telehealth.

Training and support

Workplace presentation

Proper training and support are essential for both healthcare providers and patients to use telehealth effectively.

  • Provider Training: Healthcare providers should receive comprehensive training on how to use telehealth platforms and deliver care virtually.

  • Patient Support: Providing patients with resources and support can help them navigate telehealth platforms and feel more comfortable with virtual visits.

  • Ongoing Education: Continuous education for providers and patients can help keep them updated on best practices and new developments in telehealth.

Patient-centered approaches

patient lying on couch in therapist office

Health providers should customize telehealth options to meet the individual needs of their patients and ensure the best possible outcomes. Some ideas:

  • Personalized Care: Telehealth services should be customized to address the specific needs and preferences of each patient (Cannedy et al., 2023).

  • Managing Cost Expectations: It’s important to manage patient expectations around insurance coverage and reimbursement for telehealth, as uncertainty can deter long-term investment (Khairat et al., 2023).

  • Patient Education: Patients, especially older adults, may struggle to remember information from telehealth visits and miss printed summaries. Sending visit summaries via a patient portal and referencing educational videos can mitigate these issues (Khairat et al., 2023).
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Incorporating patient feedback can help improve telehealth services and ensure they meet patient needs.

  • Accessibility: Ensuring that telehealth platforms are accessible to all patients, including those with disabilities, is essential for providing equitable care.

Work-life balance improvement

Telehealth in primary care has shown mixed effects on healthcare providers (Cannedy et al., 2023). 

In a report for the Veterans Health Administration (VA), some primary care team members reported that telehealth increased their job flexibility and reduced burnout, with shorter patient visits. 

However, others experience anxiety and reduced job satisfaction due to challenges in remote patient management, workflow changes, and technology issues. 

To improve telehealth adoption and satisfaction among healthcare professionals, effective education, quality technology, and better workflow integration are crucial. Overall, the impact of telehealth on provider well-being and job satisfaction remains complex and varied.

Future of Telehealth in Primary Care

As telehealth continues to change and improve, we must explore its potential developments and trends.

Integration with traditional care

The future of telehealth in primary care will likely involve a hybrid model that combines in-person and virtual visits.

  • Hybrid Models: Combining telehealth with traditional in-person visits can provide a more comprehensive approach to care.

  • Preventive Care: Telehealth can also be used for preventive care, such as routine screenings and health education.

  • Chronic Disease Management: Telehealth can be particularly effective for managing chronic conditions, allowing for regular monitoring and timely interventions.

    A study of patients with chronic conditions found that physical exams make up a small percentage of in-person chronic condition management consultations. Discussions are critical for clinicians when they update treatment plans, as history-taking is more important than physical exams for diagnoses (Ward et al., 2023).

Advancements in Telehealth Technology

Emerging technologies are likely to play a significant role in the future of telehealth.

Policy and Regulation Evolution

As telehealth continues to grow, policies and regulations will need to evolve to support its use.

  • Policy Changes: Post-pandemic changes to telehealth policies may make it easier for providers to offer telehealth services.

  • Standardization: Efforts to standardize telehealth practices and reimbursement policies can help ensure consistent and equitable access to telehealth services.

  • Licensing Reforms: Reforms to licensing requirements can make it easier for providers to offer telehealth services across state lines.


Telehealth in primary care is here to stay. Its suitability depends on several factors like patient preferences, digital access, health conditions, and provider needs. While it offers flexibility, disparities in internet access and workflow disruptions can undermine its advantages.

To improve access and engagement in care, health providers must address barriers and design telehealth services that better meet the needs of diverse patient populations (i.e., in demographics, technical skill, and access).

The integration of telehealth with traditional care models will likely continue to evolve, making healthcare more accessible and efficient. By adopting best practices and leveraging technological advancements, healthcare providers can improve the telehealth experience for their patients, and increase engagement. 

Explore the possibilities of telehealth in your practice today and join the movement towards a more connected and patient-centered healthcare system.


Cannedy, S., Leung, L., Wyte-Lake, T., Balut, M. D. Dobalian, A., Heyworth, L. Paige, N. M. & Der-Martirosian, C. (2023). Primary Care Team Perspectives on the Suitability of Telehealth Modality (Phone vs Video) at the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 14(1-8). doi:10.1177/21501319231172897

Chen, K., Zhang, C., Gurley, A., Akkem, S., & Jackson, H. (2023). Appointment Non-attendance for Telehealth Versus In-Person Primary Care Visits at a Large Public Healthcare System. Journal of General Internal Medicine; 38, 922–928.

Delahunty-Pike, A., Lambert, M., Schwarz, C., Howse, D., Bisson, M., Aubrey-Bassler, K. Burge, F., Chouinard, M., Doucet, S., Luke, A., Macdonald, M., Zed, J., Taylor, J, & Hudon, C. (2023). Stakeholders’ perceptions of a nurse-led telehealth case management intervention in primary care for patients with complex care needs: a qualitative descriptive study. BMJ Open; 13:e073679. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073679

Hatef, E., Wilson, R. F., Zhang, A., Hannum, S. M., Kharrazi, H., Davis, S. A., Foroughmand, I., Weiner, J. P., & Robinson, K. A. (2024). Effectiveness of telehealth versus in-person care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. Npj Digital Medicine, 7(1), 1-10.

Khairat, S., Chourasia, P., Muellers, K. A., Andreadis, K., Lin, J. J., & Ancker, J. S. (2023). Patient and Provider Recommendations for Improved Telemedicine User Experience in Primary Care: A Multi-Center Qualitative Study. Telemedicine Reports, 4(1), 21-29.

Mechanic, O. J. , Persaud, Y., & Kimball, A. B. (2022). Telehealth Systems. StatPearls. Retrieved from

Telehealth Utilization Fell Nearly Four Percent Nationally in June 2022. (2022). FAIR Health. Retrieved from

Ward, K., Vagholkar, S., Lane, J., Raghuraman, S., & Lau, A. Y. (2023). Are chronic condition management visits translatable to telehealth? Analysis of in-person consultations in primary care. International Journal of Medical Informatics; 178, 105197.

Best Telehealth Apps for Urgent Care: Quick Medical Help at Your Fingertips

Best Telehealth Apps for Urgent Care: Quick Medical Help at Your Fingertips

Health Tech Med Tech

Telehealth apps offer urgent care services right from the comfort of your home. In a recent Rock Health survey with 8,000 respondents, 76% said they used telehealth services in 2023 – a huge increase since the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Many digital health companies have taken advantage of this surge in popularity, each vying to provide the best experience. But which telehealth apps are best for urgent care? 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best telehealth apps for urgent care, helping you understand what to look for in a telehealth app when you need medical attention fast.


What Makes a Great Telehealth App for Urgent Care?

Man holding a phone using a health app

When choosing a telehealth app for urgent care, be sure it has these must-have features (Shah, n.d.):

  • Easy Patient Registration: The app should allow quick and straightforward registration with minimal information required.

  • Patient Dashboard: A dashboard that provides a comprehensive view of medical history, current conditions, and treatment plans is crucial.

  • Doctor Catalog: The app should offer detailed profiles of healthcare providers, including their qualifications and specialties.

  • Appointment Management: Features like calendar integration and reminders help manage appointments efficiently.

  • E-Prescription: The ability to receive prescriptions electronically is a must-have. It helps doctors create and deliver prescriptions with fewer errors (Haleem et al., 2021).

  • Payment Gateway: Secure and straightforward payment options enhance user experience.

User-friendly interface

A user-friendly interface is vital for patients and healthcare providers. It should be easy to navigate, with clear instructions and intuitive design. This ensures that users can quickly find what they need, reducing frustration and improving overall satisfaction.

Board-certified healthcare providers

If the app connects you with board-certified healthcare providers, you’re almost guaranteed to get quality care.

Integration with insurance plans and pricing transparency

Check if the app works with with your insurance plan and shows the up front costs. This can help you avoid unexpected costs, and ensure you can use your insurance benefits effectively.

Privacy and security measures

Privacy and security are paramount when dealing with health information. Look for apps that comply with regulations like HIPAA and offer secure data handling practices.

Now that we’ve covered the essential components of a great telehealth app for urgent care, let’s take a closer look at some of the top-rated options.

Top-Rated Telehealth Apps for Urgent Care

1. Doctor on Demand

Patient using Doctor on Demand app
Source: Doctor on Demand

Doctor on Demand offers a wide range of services, including urgent care, mental health, and preventive care. It’s available on iOS, Android, and web platforms.

Key Features:

  • 24/7 access to board-certified doctors
  • Mental health services
  • Prescription refills
  • Integration with major insurance plans

24/7 availabilityHigher cost without insurance
Accepts MedicareLimited specialty care
User-friendly interface

Use Cases:

  • Treating common conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs), viruses, and sinus infections
  • Managing mental health issues

To learn more, visit:

2. MDLive

Doctor onscreen with patient - MDLive app
Source: MDLive

MDLive provides urgent care, primary care, and mental health services. It’s known for its comprehensive mental health offerings and user-friendly platform.

Key Features:

  • 24/7 urgent care
  • Mental health services
  • Prescription services
  • Insurance integration

Wide range of servicesHigher cost for uninsured
Insurance acceptedLimited availability in some regions
Easy to use

Use Cases:

  • Urgent care for common ailments
  • Ongoing mental health support

To learn more, visit:

3. PlushCare

Doctor onscreen -  PlushCare app
Source: PlushCare

PlushCare offers primary, urgent, and mental health care. It stands out for its disaster relief programs and specific health services.

Key Features:

  • Primary and urgent care
  • Mental health services
  • Disaster relief programs
  • Subscription-based model

Comprehensive careSubscription required
Disaster relief servicesHigher initial visit cost
Insurance integration

Use Cases:

  • Regular primary care visits
  • Urgent care needs
  • Mental health consultations

To learn more, visit:

4. Sesame Care

Doctor onscreen - Sesame Care app
Source: Sesame Care

Sesame Care is known for its affordability and transparency. It offers a variety of services, including urgent care, primary care, and mental health.

Key Features:

  • Affordable pricing
  • Transparent doctor profiles
  • Wide range of services
  • Membership options

AffordableLimited insurance integration
Transparent pricing
Membership benefits

Use Cases:

  • Affordable urgent care visits
  • Primary care consultations

To learn more, visit:

5. Teladoc

Teladoc statistic: Over 50% of chronic care services live in underserved areas

Source: Sesame Care on Linkedin

Founded in 2002, Teladoc is a pioneer in telehealth. Their app and online portal provide a wide range of healthcare services, including urgent care, mental health support, and chronic condition management. 

Key Features:

  • No-pay service for eligible patients
  • Prescription services
  • Simple consultation process

24/7 availabilityHigher cost without insurance
Wide range of servicesLimited availability in some regions
User-friendly interface

Use Cases:

  • Treating common conditions like the flu, allergies, and sinus infections
  • Ongoing mental health support with the same specialist
  • Dermatology consultations for skin issues

To learn more, visit:

How to Choose the Right Telehealth App for Your Needs

Before you picking a telehealth app for urgent care, consider the following factors.

Decide on your specific urgent care requirements

Consider what you need from a telehealth app. Are you looking for general urgent care, mental health support, or primary care services? 

Identifying your needs will help narrow down your options. It’s also worth checking whether you’d be better served with in-person urgent care.

Compare app features and services

Compare the features and services of different apps. Look for those that offer the specific services you need, such as 24/7 access, mental health support, or prescription refills.

Consider cost and insurance coverage

Check if the app integrates with your insurance plan and understand the costs involved. Some apps offer subscription models that can save money in the long run.

Review provider qualifications and availability

Ensure the app connects you with board-certified providers. Also, check the availability of providers to ensure you can get an appointment when you need it.

Read user reviews and testimonials

User reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the app’s performance and user experience. Look for apps with high ratings and positive feedback.

Once you’ve chosen the appropriate telehealth app, get familiar with it so you’re ready when you or your family have urgent care needs. 


Telehealth apps give us greater access to urgent care, providing quick, convenient, and high-quality medical attention when we need it most. Whether you’re dealing with a sudden illness, need a quick consultation, or require ongoing care, these top telehealth apps for urgent care are ready to connect you with qualified professionals.

When you choose the right app for your needs, expert healthcare is always just a few taps away. Don’t wait until an emergency strikes – explore these apps today and be prepared for whatever health concerns tomorrow may bring.


Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Singh, R. P., & Suman, R. (2021). Telemedicine for healthcare: Capabilities, features, barriers, and applications. Sensors International; 2, 100117.

Knowles, M., Krasniansky, A., Nagappan, A., Zweig, M. & Kaganoff, S. (2024). The new era of consumer engagement: Insights from Rock Health’s ninth annual Consumer Adoption Survey. Rock Health. Retrieved from

Samee, A. S. (n.d.) 16 Must-Have Telemedicine App Features for a Better Experience. Folio3. Retrieved from

Shah, R. (n.d.). Must-Have Healthcare Software Features in Your Telemedicine App.” OSP Labs. Retrieved from

How to Set Up a Home Health Monitoring Station: The Ultimate Guide

How to Set Up a Home Health Monitoring Station: The Ultimate Guide

Health Tech Med Tech

Home health monitoring wearables to track blood pressure, heart rate and sleep are popular.  A 2022 AnalyticsIQ study of 8,000 Americans showed that we’ve doubled our use of wearable health devices between 2020 and 2021. Almost half of the respondents used at least one type of wearable tech, and Black, Latinx, male, and Gen X respondents used it the most.

This surge in popularity is no surprise, as home health monitoring empowers people to take control of their well-being from the comfort of their own homes. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essentials of setting up a home health monitoring system. 


Let’s start with the fundamentals.

Home Health Monitoring Basics

Definition of home health monitoring

Home health monitoring uses technology to track and manage health conditions at home or on the go. 

Home health monitoring systems let you monitor various health metrics and share the data with healthcare providers remotely. It includes connected health devices and apps to collect, analyze, and transmit health data, facilitating continuous health management without frequent in-office visits (Story, 2010).

Source:, Ahmed & Kannan, 2022.

Key benefits of monitoring health at home

Home health monitoring offers numerous advantages:

  • Increased Health Awareness: People become more aware of their health status, making informed decisions about diet, lifestyle, and treatment options.

  • Reduced Physical Consultations: Minimizes the need for in-person visits, which can be beneficial for people with mobility issues or those living in remote areas.

  • Real-Time Intervention: Allows for prompt medical interventions based on real-time data, to prevent potential complications.

  • Cost Savings: Reduces healthcare costs by decreasing hospital admissions and emergency room visits.

  • Improved Chronic Disease Management: Enhances the management of chronic conditions through continuous monitoring and timely adjustments to treatment plans.

Trackable health metrics 

Heart illustration for ECG monitor

Home health monitoring can track a wide range of health metrics, including:

  • Vital Signs: Heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.

  • Biometric Data: Blood glucose levels, blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), and body composition.

  • Activity Levels: Steps taken, calories burned, and sleep patterns.

  • Symptoms: Tracking symptoms related to chronic conditions or acute illnesses.

Medical and tech devices for home health monitoring

Several technologies and devices are available for home health monitoring (Dusun, 2024):

  • Smart Scales: Measure weight and body composition.

  • Blood Pressure Monitors: Track blood pressure levels.

  • Glucose Meters: Monitor blood glucose levels for diabetes management.

  • Pulse Oximeters: Measure blood oxygen saturation.

  • Wearable Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches: Monitor physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns.

  • ECG Monitors: Record heart rhythms to detect irregularities.

  • Medication Adherence Trackers: Ensure people take medications as prescribed.

Other conditions require more complicated devices that require training from your provider, including:

  • Apnea monitors

  • Heart monitors

  • Special monitors for dementia and Parkinson’s disease

  • Breathing apparatuses

  • Fetal monitors

Let’s review each of the less complex medical devices in turn.

Essential Devices for Home Health Monitoring

Smart scales for weight and body composition

Smart scale with monitor

A study in England showed that smart scale users who weighed themselves often were more likely to lose weight, and weigh themselves after recent weight loss (Sperrin et al., 2016).

Smart scales go beyond measuring weight; they can also analyze body composition, including body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density. These scales connect to health apps, allowing users to track their progress over time.

Before measuring your body composition:

  • Don’t drink alcohol for 2 days before measuring.

  • Avoid exercise, coffee, chocolate, or other diuretics (drinks that make you pee a lot) for 12 hours.

  • Don’t eat or drink anything for 4 hours before.

  • Don’t measure if you’re sick with a fever or diarrhea.

  • Use the bathroom within 30 minutes of measuring.

How to use a smart scale

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to measure your body composition:

  1. Enter your age, sex, and height into the device.

  2. Stand in the right position to ensure you’re touching the electrodes properly.

  3. If your hands and feet are very dry, use a damp cloth to moisten them.

  4. Stand still during the measurement.

These devices may show body fat as a percentage, but don’t rely on just one measurement. Take three in a row, find the average (add the results, then divide by three), and write it down in a health log or app.

Blood pressure monitors

Woman on couch with Blood pressure monitor at home

Blood pressure monitors are essential for people with hypertension or heart conditions. These devices provide accurate readings of systolic and diastolic blood pressure to manage cardiovascular health.

Before taking your blood pressure:

  • Don’t measure your blood pressure until at least 30 minutes after having tea, coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes, or exercising.

  • Remove tight clothes and use the bathroom. 

How to use a blood pressure monitor

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to take your blood pressure:

  1. Sit in a chair with back support, and legs uncrossed with feet flat on the floor. Rest your arm on a table at heart level.

  2. Put the cuff on their bare arm and start measuring. Don’t move or talk during the measurement.

  3. Take two readings one minute apart, and take the average of them (add the results, then divide by two). For better accuracy, you can do three readings, but it’s optional.

  4. Write down the final number in a health log or app to track any changes. 

Glucose meters for diabetes management

Glucose meter on hand with a blood drop

Glucose meters, or glucometers, are crucial for diabetes management, which helps people  monitor their blood sugar levels regularly. Some advanced models can sync with smartphones and health apps for easy tracking and data sharing with healthcare providers.

How to use a glucose meter

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to measure your blood sugar:

  1. Check if that the test strips have not expired.

  2. Wash and dry your hands.

  3. Take a test strip and close the container. Use a new lancet each time.

  4. Put the lancet in the right spot on the device and set how deep it will prick based on what works for you or how thick your skin is.

  5. After loading the device, prick your ring or middle finger. You might need to gently squeeze your finger for enough blood.

    Once the blood touches the strip, the meter will take a moment to complete the measurement. The result will show up on the device or your phone.

  6. Throw away the used lancet in a special container for sharp objects and the strip in a biohazard bin. You might need to press your finger with cotton to stop bleeding. You can clean the lancet tip with an alcohol wipe. Write down your blood sugar reading right away in a health log.

Pulse oximeters for oxygen saturation levels

Man taking pulse oximeter reading

Pulse oximeters measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood, which is vital for people with respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or COVID-19. These devices are easy to use and provide quick, accurate readings.

Before you take a measurement with a pulse oximeter, remove any nail polish from the finger you’re going to use.

How to use a pulse oximeter

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to measure your oxygen level:

  1. Wash and dry your hands.

  2. Put the device on your finger so it’s not too loose or tight. Don’t use a finger with a tattoo or henna on it.

  3. Make sure your finger covers the lights and sensor properly.

  4. Avoid bright light, which can cause errors. If you can’t, cover the device with a cloth.

  5. Start the device, and keep your finger still during measurement.

Every few days of use, clean the device with an alcohol wipe to ensure accurate readings.

Wearable fitness trackers and smartwatches

Woman in a jacket touching smart watch

Wearable fitness trackers and smartwatches monitor various health metrics, including heart rate, steps taken, calories burned, and sleep patterns. They are popular for their convenience and integration with health and fitness apps.

Note that sometimes, these devices make errors. These errors can happen because the sensors in these devices aren’t perfect at counting or estimating. For example, fitness trackers worn on the wrist may count fewer steps than you actually take if you walk slowly (Hicks et al., 2019).

ECG monitors

Irregular heartbeats, known as heart rate arrhythmia, are a major sign of common heart diseases and can be very dangerous. Because these irregularities can happen suddenly, are hard to notice, and change quickly, it’s important to keep track of heart rate changes in real-time to spot and prevent problems early (Zhang & Yang, 2023).

ECG monitor closeup on stomach

A home electrocardiogram (ECG) monitor can track your heart rate. Note that while wearable ECG monitors can detect heart rhythm issues, but may miss some due to intermittent recording. They’re usually expensive and not covered by insurance. 

Medical-grade monitors are more accurate, using chest sensors for continuous recording. Personal devices use wrist or finger sensors and may require manual activation, making them less reliable for serious conditions (Samaan, 2022).

Before measuring your heartbeat:

  • Move electronic devices, metal, and magnets away from the ECG device.

  • Sit quietly for 5 minutes.

How to use

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to analyze your heartbeat:

  1. If your hands are dry, use a damp cloth to moisten them.

  2. Follow the instructions to place the electrodes correctly.

  3. Start the device. Don’t move or talk during the measurement.

  4. Have a doctor look at the results afterward.

Medication adherence trackers

Taking your medication as prescribed is a critical part of your overall health and wellness. To help you remember when to take your meds, use one or more medication adherence monitoring technologies like:

  • Medication reminder apps

  • Electronic pill boxes, bags, or bottles

  • Ingestible sensors

  • Blister packs

While these devices offer real-time data and improve adherence monitoring, they face challenges like accuracy issues and expensive implementation. Most rely on proxy measures like device opening events, limiting data precision, and integration with clinical systems is a challenge. (Mason et al., 2022).

Next, we’ll learn how to pick the right health monitoring device for your specific needs.

Choosing the Right Monitoring Devices

Factors to consider when selecting devices

Purple pulse oximeter and mask

When choosing home health monitoring devices, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of Use: Devices should be user-friendly, especially for those with limited technical skills.

  • Accuracy and Reliability: Look for devices with proven accuracy and reliability, supported by clinical validation.

  • Compatibility: Ensure devices are compatible with your smartphone, tablet, or other health platforms.

  • Battery Life: Consider devices with long battery life to avoid frequent recharging.

  • Customer Support: Opt for brands that offer robust customer support and warranty services.

Compatibility with smartphones and other tech

Many home health monitoring devices are designed to sync with smartphones and other tech platforms. This integration allows for seamless data transfer, real-time monitoring, and easy access to health metrics through dedicated apps.

Accuracy and reliability of different brands

To ensure you choose the right device, check that the device is approved by the proper authority such as the FDA or ISO (Mondal & Mondal, 2021).

Research and reviews can also help determine the accuracy and reliability of different brands. Look for devices with positive feedback from users and healthcare professionals, and check for any clinical validation or certifications. 

Once you get your medical device, it’s important to use them properly, and calibrate them at the intervals the manufacturer recommends to maintain its accuracy (Mondal & Mondal, 2021). 

Budget considerations and cost-effectiveness

While some advanced devices can be expensive, there are cost-effective options available that still offer reliable performance. Consider your budget and prioritize devices that provide the best value for money without compromising on essential features.

Once you’ve chosen your devices, it’s vital to address the important aspects of data protection and privacy.

Privacy and Security Considerations

Blue lock shield

Home health monitoring and remote patient monitoring (RPM) are part of telehealth.  Telehealth provides convenience, but also comes with security risks and issues (Houser et al., 2023):

Let’s look at a few best practices to protect and secure your personal health information.

Protect your health data from breaches

Health data is sensitive and must be protected from breaches. Some tips:

  • Use strong passwords for your health apps and devices.

  • Turn on two-factor authentication in your apps.

  • Use email, chat, or messages through the patient portal. This is especially useful when a private location is temporarily unavailable. If the situation isn’t temporary, ask your health provider for suggestions (Houser et al., 2023).

  • Regularly update your software to protect against vulnerabilities.

Understand data ownership and sharing policies

Some apps may share data with third parties for research or marketing purposes. Read the privacy policies of your health apps and devices to understand who owns your data and they share it. Opt for apps that prioritize user privacy and offer clear data ownership policies.

Secure your home network for health devices

Some tips to secure your home network include:

  • Use a strong Wi-Fi password and enabling network encryption.

  • Check the URL address bar of your browser before you enter your personal information on a website. A secure website will show a lock icon in the address bar, and look for https:// at the beginning of the URL (as some do not include the “s”).

  • Install and use anti-virus software on your devices.

  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for health monitoring, as they are more susceptible to breaches.

Check compliance with health data regulations 

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a regulation in the U.S. that protects the privacy and security of people’s personal health information. Check whether your health monitoring devices and apps are HIPAA-compliant before you use them, or the similar standards in your region if you’re not in the U.S. (Gerke et al., 2020).

Now that you know how to secure your data, it’s time to create an effective monitoring environment in your home.

Setting Up Your Home Health Monitoring System

Create a dedicated space for health monitoring

Black woman smiling at phone with glucose meter on arm

Designate a specific area in your home for health monitoring. This space should be quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions to ensure accurate measurements. Keep all your monitoring devices and accessories organized and easily accessible.

Connect devices to your home network

Most home health monitoring devices use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect to your home network. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to pair each device with your smartphone or tablet. Ensure your home network is secure to protect your health data.

Sync devices with health apps and platforms

Download the necessary health apps for your devices and create accounts if required. Synchronize your devices with these apps to enable data transfer and real-time monitoring. Popular health platforms include Apple Health, Google Fit, and dedicated apps from device manufacturers.

Set a daily routine for regular measurements

Consistency is key to effective home health monitoring. Establish a routine for taking measurements, such as checking your blood pressure every morning or measuring your blood glucose levels before meals. Set reminders on your smartphone to help you stay on track.

With your system set up, let’s see how to make sense of the data you’re collecting.

Interpreting and Using Health Data

Learn about health metrics 

Get familiar with the health metrics your devices track, and understand what they mean. For example, know the normal ranges for blood pressure, blood glucose, and oxygen saturation levels. Health apps often provide explanations and visualizations to help you interpret the data (Chan et al., 2022).

Recognize normal ranges and potential red flags

Knowing the normal ranges for your health metrics allows you to identify potential red flags. For instance, a consistently high blood pressure reading may indicate hypertension, while low oxygen saturation levels could signal respiratory issues (Chan et al., 2022). Consult your healthcare provider if you notice any abnormal readings.

Set health goals and track progress

Use the data from your monitoring devices to set health goals, such as achieving a target weight or maintaining stable blood glucose levels. Track your progress over time and adjust your goals as needed. Health apps often offer goal-setting features and progress-tracking tools.

Share data with healthcare providers securely

Many health apps allow you to share your data with healthcare providers securely. This can be done through app integrations, email, or cloud storage platforms. Sharing your data helps your healthcare provider make informed decisions about your treatment plan and monitor your progress remotely.

Maximizing the Benefits of Home Health Monitoring

To get the most out of your home health monitoring system, consider these strategies for integrating it into your daily life.

Black woman gold top showing phone with glucose meter on arm

Integrate monitoring in your daily routine

Include health monitoring into your daily routine to make it a habit. For example, you can check your blood pressure while having your morning coffee or track your steps during your evening walk. Consistency ensures accurate data and better health management (Kariuki, n.d.).

Make lifestyle improvements

Use the insights from your health data to make positive lifestyle changes. For instance, if your fitness tracker shows low activity levels, you can set a goal to increase your daily steps. If your blood glucose levels are high, you can adjust your diet and exercise routine accordingly (Kariuki, n.d.).

Combine monitoring with telehealth services

Telehealth services complement home health monitoring by providing remote consultations with healthcare providers. Share your health data during these virtual visits to receive personalized advice and treatment plans. Telehealth can be especially beneficial for managing chronic conditions and reducing the need for in-person visits.

Involve your family in health-tracking

Involving family members in your health monitoring can provide additional support and motivation. Share your health goals and progress with them, and encourage them to participate in health-tracking activities. This can create a supportive environment and improve overall health outcomes.


Setting up a home health monitoring system is a proactive step to take charge of your well-being. Once you choose the right devices, set a consistent monitoring routine, and learn how to interpret your health data, you can gain valuable insights into your body’s needs and trends. 

Remember, home health monitoring is no substitute for professional medical advice. Use your newfound knowledge to have more informed discussions with your healthcare provider, ask questions, and make proactive decisions about your health. With the right approach, home health monitoring can lead to better health outcomes and an improved quality of life.

Which health monitors and wearables do you use, and how do they help you?


Chan, A., Cohen, R., Robinson, M., Bhardwaj, D., Gregson, G., Jutai, J. W., Millar, J., Rincón, A. R., & Fekr, A. R. (2022). Evidence and User Considerations of Home Health Monitoring for Older Adults: Scoping Review. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 5(4).

Consumer HealthTech Research Report. (2023). AnalyticsIQ. Retrieved from

Gerke, S., Shachar, C., Chai, P. R., & Cohen, I. G. (2020). Regulatory, safety, and privacy concerns of home monitoring technologies during COVID-19. Nature Medicine, 26(8), 1176.

Hicks, J. L., Althoff, T., Sosic, R., Kuhar, P., Bostjancic, B., King, A. C., Leskovec, J., & Delp, S. L. (2019). Best practices for analyzing large-scale health data from wearables and smartphone apps. Npj Digital Medicine; 2(1), 1-12.

Home Health Monitoring. (2024). Dusun. Retrieved from

Houser, S. H., Flite, C. A., & Foster, S. L. (2023). Privacy and Security Risk Factors Related to Telehealth Services – A Systematic Review. Perspectives in Health Information Management; 20(1). 

Imtyaz Ahmed, M., & Kannan, G. (2022). Secure and lightweight privacy preserving Internet of things integration for remote patient monitoring. Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences; 34(9), 6895-6908.

Kariuki, F. (n.d.). The Top 13 Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring. Health Recovery Solutions. Retrieved from

Mason, M., Cho, Y., Rayo, J., Gong, Y., Harris, M., & Jiang, Y. (2022). Technologies for Medication Adherence Monitoring and Technology Assessment Criteria: Narrative Review. JMIR MHealth and UHealth; 10(3).

Mondal, H., & Mondal, S. (2021). Basic technology and proper usage of home health monitoring devices. Malaysian Family Physician: The Official Journal of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia;16(1), 8-14.

Samaan, S. (2022). Are Home ECG Monitors Reliable? GoodRx Health. Retrieved from

Sperrin, M. et al.  (2016). Who self-weighs and what do they gain from it? A retrospective comparison between smart scale users and the general population in England. Journal of Medical Internet Research; 18, e17.

Story, M. F. (2010). National Research Council (US) Committee on the Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care. The Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 8, Medical Devices in Home Health Care. Retrieved from

Telehealth and remote patient monitoring. (n.d.). Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Retrieved from

Zhang, J. & Yang, H. (2023). A Privacy-preserving Remote Heart Rate Abnormality Monitoring System. IEEE Access; 11, 97089-97098. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3312549

Telehealth vs. In-Person Visits: Pros and Cons

Telehealth vs. In-Person Visits: Pros and Cons

Health Tech

Telehealth is a viable alternative to traditional in-person care, sparking an ongoing debate about each of their relative merits. This may leave people wondering about the differences between telehealth vs. in-person visits.

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of telehealth and in-person care so you make informed decisions about your healthcare needs, and determine which option is right for you.



What is Telehealth?

Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, involves the use of digital tools to provide healthcare services remotely. A few examples:

  • Sending and receiving direct messages from your healthcare provider via a patient portal.

  • Email or text reminders about prescriptions.

  • Remote monitoring of your blood sugar, heart rate, sleep patterns, etc.

More background on what telehealth is and its benefits.

Telehealth can be synchronous, where the patient and provider interact in real-time, or asynchronous, where information is shared and reviewed at different times. Types of telehealth services include:

  • Synchronous Telehealth: Real-time interactions via video calls or phone calls.

  • Asynchronous Telehealth: Store-and-forward technology where data, images, or messages are sent and reviewed later.

  • Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM): Continuous monitoring of patients‘ health data using devices that send information to healthcare providers.

Advantages of Telehealth

Telehealth offers several advantages, especially in today’s fast-paced world. An AMA study found that medical practitioners who use telehealth the most were radiologists (39.5%), psychiatrists (27.8%), and cardiologists (24.1%). 

Convenience and accessibility

One of the most attractive things about telehealth is its convenience:

  • No Travel Required: You can have a consultation from the comfort of your home, office, or even while on vacation.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Appointments can be scheduled outside of traditional office hours, making it easier for those with busy schedules.


With insurance

Telehealth can be less expensive than in-person visits due to lower overhead costs for providers and no travel expenses for patients. 

Many insurance plans cover telehealth services, making it a more affordable option. 

If you are planning a telehealth appointment, ask your health plan if telehealth is covered and the copay or coinsurance amount. Your telehealth appointment may be through your in-network provider or a telehealth company your insurer contracts with.

Without insurance

If you don’t have health insurance, you can contact a telehealth company like AmWell, Teladoc, Doctor On Demand, or MD Live for a medical consultation and get a quote.

More access to specialists

  • Specialist Referrals: Telehealth makes it easier to get specialist consultations, especially for those living in rural or underserved areas (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021).

  • Integrated Care: Health providers can seamlessly integrate telehealth into their healthcare systems, improving overall care coordination.

Mental health services

Telehealth has made mental health services more accessible, giving people access to counseling and therapy without the stigma of visiting a clinic (Harris, 2022).

Limitations of Telehealth

Lock octagon illustration

Despite its many benefits, telehealth also has its drawbacks. Here are some of the biggest limitations.

Technology barriers and connectivity issues

Lack of physical exams

  • Inability to Perform Comprehensive Exams: Some conditions require a physical examination that a health provider can’t do as well via telehealth (Saljoughian, 2021).

  • Potential for Misdiagnosis: Without the ability to perform a hands-on examination, there is a higher risk of misdiagnosis (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). For example, The Doctors Company said that nearly 70% of their telehealth-related claims have alleged diagnostic errors.

Privacy and security concerns

  • Data Security: While most telehealth platforms are encrypted, there is always a risk of data breaches or hacking (HHS, 2023).

  • Confidentiality: Ensuring privacy during a telehealth session can be challenging, especially if the patient is in a shared or public space (Houser et al., 2023).

When to Choose Telehealth

Elderly woman on Zoom with health provider

Telehealth is not suitable for every situation, but it excels in several areas.

Routine check-ups and consultations

  • Primary Care: Regular check-ups and follow-up appointments can be easily managed through telehealth.

  • Preventive Care: Screenings and preventive measures can often be discussed and managed remotely.

Mental health services

Telehealth provides a convenient and private way to receive mental health support like counseling and therapy.

Chronic disease management

People with chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension can manage them through regular telehealth consultations and RPM (Harris, 2022).

Minor acute conditions

Health providers can diagnose and treat conditions like colds, minor infections, and rashes via telehealth.

What is In-Person Care?

In-person care is the traditional model of healthcare where patients visit a clinic, hospital, or specialty center to receive medical attention. This type of care is essential for many medical conditions and treatments. In-person healthcare settings include:

  • Clinics: Primary care and specialized clinics offer a wide range of services.

  • Hospitals: For emergency care, surgeries, and complex treatments.

  • Specialty Centers: Focused on specific areas like cardiology, oncology, or orthopedics.

Advantages of In-Person Care

Doctor shows patient Rx

In-person care remains crucial for many reasons. In the same AMA study medical practitioners who use telehealth the least (in favor of in-person care) were obstetrician-gynecologists (9.3%), gastroenterologists (7.9%), and allergists/immunologists (6.1%). 

In-person care offers several unique benefits that are worth considering, as follows.

Comprehensive physical exams

  • Hands-On Assessment: Allows for thorough physical examinations, which are essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment (Saljoughian, 2021).

  • Immediate Diagnostic Tests: Access to lab tests, imaging, and other diagnostic procedures during the visit.

Face-to-face interaction and rapport 

  • Personal Connection: Face-to-face interactions help build trust and rapport between patients and healthcare providers.

  • Non-Verbal Cues: Providers can pick up on non-verbal cues that are easy to miss in virtual consultations.

Complex treatments and surgeries

  • Surgical Procedures: In-person care is necessary for any surgical intervention or complex medical procedures.

  • Emergency Care: Immediate, hands-on care is essential in emergencies.

Drawbacks of In-Person Care

While in-person care has its strengths, it also comes with several disadvantages.

People in waiting room wearing face masks

Longer wait times and scheduling difficulties

  • Appointment Delays: Patients often face long wait times for appointments and in waiting rooms.

  • Scheduling Conflicts: Finding a convenient time for both the patient and provider can be challenging.

Travel requirements and associated costs

Traveling to and from healthcare facilities can be time-consuming and costly, especially for those in rural areas (Harris, 2022).

Exposure to other patients and potential infections

Visiting a healthcare facility increases the risk of exposure to other illnesses, including infectious diseases (Saljoughian, 2021).

Time away from work or family obligations

In-person visits often require taking time off work or away from family responsibilities, resulting in lost productivity.

When to Opt for In-Person Care

Empty white hospital hallway

In-person care is indispensable in some situations, as follows.


Conditions like heart attacks, strokes, and severe injuries require immediate, hands-on medical attention.

Chronic or complex medical conditions

Conditions that require specialized treatment plans and hands-on management benefit from in-person care.

Diagnostic procedures and lab tests

You must complete certain tests and procedures, like blood work and imaging, in a healthcare facility for the most accurate diagnosis.

Hands-on treatments and therapies

Rehabilitation and physical therapy usually require direct interaction with healthcare providers.

Telehealth and in-person care each have their merits. Now, let’s explore how these two approaches can be combined.

Integrating Telehealth and In-Person Care

The future of healthcare likely lies in a hybrid model that combines the strengths of both telehealth and in-person care.

Woman getting a shot in her arm

Hybrid models of care

A blended approach that combines telehealth for routine check-ups and follow-ups with in-person visits can better address more complex needs.

Coordinating care between virtual and physical settings

Ensuring that patient information and care plans are consistent across both telehealth and in-person settings.

Using telehealth for follow-ups after in-person visits

Follow-up appointments can often be conducted via telehealth, saving time and resources.


To sum up the differences in a handy-dandy chart, look at this one from Mira.

Comparison chart - In person vs virtual care chart
Source: Mira (

Virtual and in-person visits each have unique advantages and limitations. Telehealth offers convenience, cost savings, and improved access to care, especially for routine consultations and mental health services. However, it falls short in situations that require hands-on examinations and immediate medical interventions. 

In-person care remains essential for physical exams, complex treatments, and emergencies, but comes with the drawbacks of longer wait times, travel, and potential exposure to infections.

The best choice between telehealth and in-person care isn’t always black and white. It often depends on your specific health needs, preferences, and circumstances. When you understand the pros and cons of each approach, you can make more informed decisions about your healthcare.  

As technology continues to advance, the integration of telehealth and in-person care will likely become more innovative, sophisticated, and widespread. Remember, the goal is to find the right balance that ensures you receive the best possible care, whether it’s through a screen or in a doctor’s office.


Bean, K. (2023). In-Person Vs. Virtual Care: What’s The Difference & Which Is Best. Mira. Retrieved from

Feldman, D. L. (n.d.). Top Seven Tips for Telehealth. The Doctors Company. Retrieved from

Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth Benefits and Barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(2), 218-221.

Harris, A. (2022). Differences between telehealth vs. in-person care. Everlywell. Retrieved from

Henderson, E. (2020). Telemedicine or in-person visit? Pros and cons. News Medical. Retrieved from

Houser, S. H., Flite, C. A., & Foster, S. L. (2023). Privacy and Security Risk Factors Related to Telehealth Services – A Systematic Review. Perspectives in Health Information Management; 20(1). 

Robeznieks, A. (2019). Which medical specialties use telemedicine the most? American Medical Association (AMA). Retrieved from

Saljoughian, M. (2021). The Benefits and Limitations of Telehealth. U.S. Pharmacist. Retrieved from

Telehealth Privacy and Security Tips for Patients. (2023). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Retrieved from

Understanding Your Telehealth Insurance Options

Understanding Your Telehealth Insurance Options

Health Tech

The convenience of healthcare access from your home makes telehealth more popular than ever. According to McKinsey, telehealth usage has stabilized at levels 38 times higher than before the pandemic. This surge in virtual care has prompted many insurance providers to expand their telehealth coverage, but you may not know how their telehealth insurance options work. 

Whether you’re looking for convenient access to medical professionals or seeking cost-effective healthcare solutions, you need to understand the telehealth insurance options available to you.

First, let’s explore what telehealth is and why coverage matters.


What is Telehealth and Why is Insurance Coverage Important?

Telehealth has become a buzzword in recent years, especially with the rise of digital health platforms and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Telehealth, fairly synonymous with telemedicine, refers to the use of tech to provide healthcare services remotely. This can include video consultations, secure messaging, remote monitoring, texting, audio-only calls, and even virtual prescription refills. 

Benefits of telehealth services

In November 2021, 55% of respondents said they were more satisfied with telehealth or virtual care visits than with in-person appointments. 35% use other digital services, such as ordering prescriptions online and home delivery.

Telehealth benefits patients and healthcare providers in many ways (Hasselfeld, n.d.):

  • Convenience: Patients can consult with their healthcare providers from the comfort of their homes, which eliminates the need for travel and reduces wait times.

  • Access to Care: Telehealth is particularly beneficial for people in rural areas or those with mobility issues, providing access to specialists and primary care providers who may not be available in the local area.

  • Cost-Effective: By reducing the need for physical visits, telehealth can lower healthcare costs for both patients and providers.

  • Preventive Care: Regular virtual check-ups can help in the early detection and management of chronic conditions, improving overall health outcomes.

Importance of insurance coverage for telehealth

Insurance coverage for telehealth services is crucial for several reasons:

  • Reduced Out-of-Pocket Costs: Without insurance, telehealth costs can add up quickly. Insurance coverage helps mitigate these expenses.

  • Access to a Broader Network: Insurance plans often have agreements with a network of providers, making it easier for patients to find in-network telehealth services.

  • Comprehensive Care: Insurance can cover a wide range of telehealth services, from primary care to specialist consultations, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive care.

Now that we understand the basics of telehealth, let’s look at the different types of insurance plans that offer coverage for these services.

Types of Insurance Plans with Telehealth Coverage

When it comes to telehealth, not all insurance plans are created equal. 

One study found that insurers paid less for third-party telehealth visits than in-person care. Before COVID-19, only six U.S. states required equal payment for telehealth and in-person visits. By late 2021, more states adopted these laws, reducing potential cost savings for insurers as telehealth payments increased (Cuellar et al., 2022).

Here’s a breakdown of the different types of insurance plans that cover telehealth services.

Traditional health insurance 

Most traditional/private health insurance plans now include telehealth benefits. These plans cover a variety of services such as video consultations, e-prescriptions, and remote monitoring (HRSA, 2023).

Standalone telehealth insurance

Some companies offer standalone telehealth insurance plans. These are subscription-based services that provide unlimited access to telehealth consultations for a monthly fee.

However, there may be limitations like the specific types of care covered, requiring initial in-person visits, or capping the number of telehealth visits. Recently, many private insurers have started providing telehealth services through third-party platforms like Teladoc or AmWell (Healthcare Service Corporation, 2020).

Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare Part B covers certain telehealth services, including virtual visits with doctors and specialists (, n.d.). Medicaid coverage for telehealth varies by state, but many states have expanded their telehealth benefits in recent years (Schwamm et al., 2017).

Employer-sponsored plans

People sitting in an auditorium for a presentation

Many employers offer health insurance plans that include telehealth services. These plans often come with additional benefits like mental health services and secure messaging with healthcare providers.

With various telehealth insurance options available, it’s important to know what features to consider when evaluating plans.

What to Look for in Telehealth Insurance Plans

Choosing the right telehealth insurance plan can be overwhelming. Here are some key features to consider.

Scope of covered services

Ensure the plan covers a wide range of services, including:

  • Primary Care: Regular check-ups and preventive care. Many plans cover virtual visits for routine health assessments.

  • Mental Health: Access to telepsychiatry and counseling services. Mental health services via telehealth can be as effective as in-person visits.

  • Specialist Consultations: Ensure the plan includes virtual visits with specialists like cardiologists, and dermatologists. This can save time and reduce the need for physical referrals.

Network of available providers

A robust network of in-network providers ensures that you have access to a variety of healthcare professionals without incurring additional costs. Check if the plan includes:

  • Local Providers: Access to local healthcare providers who offer telehealth services.

  • Specialists: A wide range of specialists are available for virtual consultations.

  • National Networks: Some plans offer access to national networks of providers, which can be beneficial if you travel frequently.


Bottle of pills spilled on currency

Healthcare marketplaces offer affordable individual health insurance plans. These plans must meet standards for cost-sharing, which are the out-of-pocket expenses people pay for medical services

Cost-sharing typically includes deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance, though not all plans use all three types (Rakshit et al., 2023):

  • Copayments: The fixed amount you pay for each visit. The fixed amount you pay for each telehealth visit. Some plans may offer lower copayments for virtual visits compared to in-person visits.

  • Deductibles: The amount you need to pay out-of-pocket before the insurance starts covering services. You may want to pair a high-deductible plan with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to help manage costs.

  • Coinsurance: The percentage of costs you share with the insurance company after you’ve paid your deductible. For example, a plan might cover 80% of the cost, leaving you to pay the remaining 20%.

Technology platforms and user experience

The technology with a telehealth platform should be easy to use. Look for features like:

  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and easy-to-use platform.

  • 24/7 Availability: Access to healthcare services at any time.

  • Short Wait Times: Minimal waiting period for consultations.

Quality of care

Nursing colleagues in hall wearing blue

While convenience is a significant factor, the quality of care should not be compromised. Look for plans that ensure (Wolters Kluwer, 2023):

  • Clinical Effectiveness: The platform should support high-quality care across different specialties like chronic conditions and mental health issues.

  • Access to Resources: Plans that provide easy access to educational resources can empower patients to take control of their health.

Several insurance companies offer telehealth coverage, each with its own features and benefits. Here’s a comparison of some popular providers in the following table with info from the Center for Connected Health Policy (2021).

ProviderProsConsUnique FeaturesCustomer Satisfaction
AetnaComprehensive coverage & wide networkHigher premiumsIntegration with CVS HealthHigh
Blue Cross Blue ShieldBroad coverage & various plan optionsVaries by stateSpecialized telehealth programsHigh
Kaiser PermanenteIntegrated care model & user-friendly appLimited to certain regionsSeamless care coordinationVery High
UnitedHealthcareExtensive provider network & 24/7 availabilityComplex cost-sharingVirtual health assistantsModerate

Studies show patients prefer video telehealth over audio-only, reporting higher satisfaction and better outcomes. Video telehealth users are less likely to need emergency or in-person care (Lee et al., 2023). 

Armed with knowledge about different plans and their key features, let’s learn how to pick the best telehealth insurance plan for your needs.

How to Choose the Right Telehealth Insurance Plan for You

Doctor and patient virtual meeting both male

Selecting the right telehealth insurance plan requires careful consideration of your healthcare needs and preferences. Here are some steps to guide you.

Assess your healthcare needs

Identify your healthcare needs and preferences. Consider the following questions:

  • Do you need frequent specialist consultations?

  • Are mental health services important to you?

  • Do you have any chronic conditions that need regular monitoring?

Evaluate costs

Consider your budget and review the costs associated with each plan, including premiums, copayments, and deductibles.

  • Premiums: The monthly cost of the insurance plan.

  • Out-of-Pocket Costs: Copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. For example, Medicare Part B covers certain telehealth services after you’ve paid the deductible, with a 20% coinsurance.

  • Additional Fees: Any additional fees for using telehealth services, such as subscription fees for standalone telehealth plans.

Check provider networks

Ensure the plan has a network of providers that includes your preferred doctors and specialists. This can help you avoid out-of-network charges and ensure continuity of care.

Review policy terms

Med insurance policy paper

Read the policy terms and conditions carefully. Look for any exclusions or limitations on telehealth services (Upvio, n.d.). For example, some plans may limit the number of telehealth visits they cover per year.

Consider integration with an existing plan

If you already have a health insurance plan, check if the telehealth plan works seamlessly with your existing coverage to provide a more comprehensive healthcare solution.

Tips to Maximize Your Telehealth Insurance Benefits

Once you have chosen a telehealth insurance plan, here are some tips to get the most out of it.

Medicare card and Rx closeup

Understand your coverage limits

Know the limits and restrictions of your coverage. This includes the number of visits covered and any specific conditions that apply (Upvio, n.d.). For example, some Medicare Advantage Plans offer more telehealth benefits than Original Medicare. 

Prepare for virtual appointments

Prepare for your virtual visit. Get your medical history and questions ready. Ensure you have a stable internet connection and a quiet, private space for the consultation.

Keep records

Maintain records of your telehealth visits and expenses to help you track your healthcare costs and manage your budget. Keeping detailed records can also be useful for any follow-up care or claims disputes.

Communicate effectively

Effective communication with your healthcare provider is key. Be clear about your symptoms and concerns. Beyond calling, you can use secure messaging within your patient portal to ask follow-up questions or clarify any doubts.

Stay informed

Keep track of any updates to your policy. Insurance plans can change, and staying informed ensures you continue to receive the best care. Check for updates from your insurance provider regularly, and review any new benefits or changes in coverage.

Use available resources

Take advantage of any educational resources provided by your telehealth platform. These resources can help you better understand your health conditions and treatment options, and empower you to make informed decisions about your care.


Telehealth insurance options have expanded significantly, providing us with more flexibility, convenience, and access to virtual care. However, navigating telehealth insurance options can be complex. By understanding the various plans available and considering your unique healthcare needs, you can select a telehealth insurance option that provides comprehensive coverage and peace of mind. 

Remember to review your policy on a regular basis and stay informed about new developments in telehealth insurance. Over time, insurance coverage will likely adapt their virtual care options to meet our changing healthcare needs. Take the time to explore your options and make an informed decision to ensure you’re getting the most out of your telehealth insurance coverage.


An Analysis of Private Payer Telehealth Coverage. (2021). Center for Connected Health Policy. Retrieved from

Bestsennyy, O., Gilbert, G., Harris, A. & Rost, J. (2021). McKinsey & Company. Retrieved from

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Telehealth. Retrieved from

Cordina, J., Levin, E., Stein, G.  (2022). Consumer Health Insights: How respondents are adapting to the “new normal.” McKinsey & Company. Retrieved from

Cost-Sharing Charges. (2023). Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Retrieved from

Cuellar, A., Pomeroy, J. M. L., Burla, S., Jena, A. B. (2022). Outpatient Care Among Users and Nonusers of Direct-to-Patient Telehealth: Observational Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research;24(6):e37574. doi:10.2196/37574 

Five key features telehealth patients want: Insights for healthcare developers. (2023). Wolters Kluwer. Retrieved from

Hasselfeld, B. W. (n.d.). Benefits of Telemedicine. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved from

How to Check Telehealth Insurance Coverage. (n.d.). Upvio. Retrieved from

Lee, E. C., Grigorescu, V. Enogieru, I., Smith, S. R. Samson, L. W., Conmy, A. B., & De Lew, N. (2023). Updated National Survey Trends in Telehealth Utilization and Modality (2021-2022). Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE). Retrieved from

Private insurance coverage for telehealth. (2023). Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Retrieved from 

Rakshit, S., Rae, M., Claxton, G., Amin, K., & Cox, C. (2023). Private Insurer Payments for Telehealth and In-Person Claims During the Pandemic. Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from

Schwamm L.H., Chumbler N., Brown E., et al. (2017). Recommendations for the implementation of telehealth in cardiovascular and stroke care: a policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation;135(7):e24–e44. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000475

Stay Informed on COVID-19. (2020). Health Care Service Corporation. Retrieved from

How to Prepare for Your Virtual Doctor Visit: A Complete Guide

How to Prepare for Your Virtual Doctor Visit: A Complete Guide

Health Tech

A virtual doctor visit is a convenient and effective way to receive medical care, making healthcare more accessible and efficient for everyone. From 2019 to 2024, the rate of online doctor visits worldwide more than doubled to over 116 million. 

Whether you’re a first-timer or you want to improve your virtual doctor visit experience, proper preparation is key. This guide will walk you through the steps to ensure your online appointment is as effective as – or even better than – an in-person visit.

Let’s start with some background about virtual doctor visits and their benefits.


Virtual Doctor Visit Overview

Woman in gold talking to doctor on laptop

What is a virtual doctor visit?

A virtual doctor visit, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, is a way to consult with your healthcare provider using technology like video calls, phone calls, or text messaging. 

Instead of going to a doctor’s office, you can talk to your doctor from the comfort of your home using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. 

This method is more popular since the COVID-19 pandemic, as it offers a convenient and safe way to receive medical care (Zulman & Verghese, 2021 & National Institute on Aging, n.d.). The Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (with data from April 2021 through August 2022) found that (Lee, E. C. et al., 2023):

  • Telehealth use was lowest among people who are uninsured (9.4%), aged 18 to 24 (17.6%), and residents of the Midwest (18.7%).

  • Telehealth use was highest among those with Medicaid (28.3%) and Medicare (26.8%), those who are Black (26.1%), and those earning less than $25,000 (26.4%).

Benefits of telehealth appointments

Woman talking to doctor on her phone closeup

Telehealth appointments come with several advantages:

  • Convenience: You don’t have to travel to the doctor’s office or sit in a waiting room. You can have your appointment from anywhere, whether it’s in your home, office, or even your car during a lunch break (Hasselfeld, n.d. & bravo, 2022).

  • Saves Time: A virtual visit can save you more than an hour compared to an in-person visit (UnitedHealthcare, 2023). This is great for people with busy schedules or live far away from their doctors (bravo, 2022).

  • Cost-Effective: Virtual visits often cost less than in-person visits, especially when compared to urgent care or emergency room visits (Zulman & Verghese, 2021 & bravo, 2022).

  • Accessibility: Telehealth increases access to healthcare for people in rural areas or those with mobility issues. It also allows you to consult with specialists who may not be available in your local area (bravo, 2022 & HRSA, 2024).

  • Safety: Virtual visits help prevent the spread of infectious diseases by reducing the need for in-person interactions (Hasselfeld, n.d. & HRSA, 2024).

Common misconceptions about virtual consultations

Black woman talking to someone on laptop in sideview

Despite its benefits, there are several myths about virtual consultations:

  • “Telehealth is only for tech-savvy people.” Many people believe that you need to be tech-savvy to use telehealth services. However, most platforms are easy to use and designed to be accessible to everyone, including older adults (Solutionreach, n.d.).

  • “Virtual visits aren’t secure.” Security is a common concern, but reputable telehealth platforms are HIPAA-compliant and use advanced security measures to protect your privacy (Solutionreach, n.d.).

  • “Telehealth is a temporary solution.” While telehealth surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is here to stay. Many healthcare providers continue to offer virtual visits as a permanent option (Lee, C. 2023).

  • “I won’t get to choose my doctor.” Online health platforms let you review detailed profiles of multiple certified doctors. This allows you to choose a provider that fits your needs best, giving you more control over your healthcare (WeHealth, n.d.).

  • “It’s not covered on my insurance.” (WeHealth, n.d.). Many insurance plans now cover telehealth as it becomes more common. Healthcare providers are adapting to make virtual care accessible, recognizing its growing importance in delivering patient care.

When to choose a virtual doctor visit vs. in person

Taking blood pressure

Virtual doctor visits have a lot of conveniences. But there are certain times when it’s better to see the doctor in person, for (Henderson, 2023):

  • First-Time Visits: If it’s your first time seeing this doctor, you should see them. Face-to-face meetings help patients build trust and doctors assess both physical and emotional aspects.

  • Physical Exams: If you’ve noticed new or worsening symptoms, the doctor will need to see you in person to examine the affected areas of your body.

  • Serious Health Conditions: Unless they tell you otherwise, it’s better to go to your doctor’s office for your health appointments. 

After you establish a relationship with this doctor, telehealth can be useful for follow-ups.

Now that you understand the basics, let’s set up your tech for a smooth virtual visit experience.

Technical Preparations

Ensure a stable internet connection

A stable internet connection is crucial for a successful virtual doctor visit. Here are some tips:

  • Check Your Internet Speed: Use a speed test to ensure your internet connection is fast enough for video calls. 

    Note that if you live in a rural area or anywhere your internet service is often unstable, you can also (HRSA, 2024):
  • Use a Wired Connection: If possible, use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi for a more stable connection.

  • Close Unnecessary Items: Close any apps or browser tabs that might be using internet bandwidth.

Test your device’s camera and microphone

Female doctor waving to female patient on Zoom

Before your appointment, test your device’s camera and microphone to make sure they are working:

  • Check Settings: Go to your device’s settings to ensure the camera and microphone are enabled.

  • Use Headphones: Using headphones with a built-in microphone can improve sound quality and reduce background noise.

  • Do a Test Call: Make a test call with a friend or family member to check the audio and video quality.

Get familiar with the required software or app

Your healthcare provider will use a specific telehealth platform or app for the virtual visit that you may not be familiar with. To save yourself some frustration do these tasks well in advance of your virtual visit:

  • Download in Advance: Download the required software or app well before your appointment.

  • Create an Account: If necessary, create an account and log in to familiarize yourself with the platform.

  • Explore Features: Take some time to explore the features, such as how to join a call, mute/unmute yourself, and turn the camera on/off.

With your tech ready, it’s time to collect important medical information for your appointment.

Gather Your Medical Information

Flatlay of small medical items

Update your medical history

The doctor may ask you about your medical history, or ask you to fill out a form to collect it. Be sure to include:

  • List Past Conditions: Note all your past medical conditions, surgeries, and hospital stays.

  • Your Family History: Include any relevant family medical history, such as chronic illnesses or genetic conditions.

List current medications and dosages

Pills and capsules (pink white and tan)

Make a list of all the medications you’re taking, including:

  • Prescription Medications: Write the name, dosage, and frequency for each prescription.

  • Over-the-Counter Medications: Don’t forget to list any over-the-counter (OTC) medications, supplements, or vitamins you’re taking, and any you’re thinking about starting.

  • Recent Changes: Note any recent changes in your medications or dosages.

Note any recent changes in your health

Keep track of any new symptoms or changes in your health:

  • New Symptoms: Note any new or worsening symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, or changes in appetite.

  • Measurements: If applicable, record any recent measurements like blood pressure, weight, or blood sugar levels.

Prepare questions for your doctor

Make a list of questions and have it ready to help you get the most out of your appointment, such as:

  • Symptoms: Ask about any symptoms or concerns you have.

  • Treatment Options: Inquire about treatment options, side effects, and alternatives.

  • Follow-Up: Ask about the next steps and any follow-up appointments or tests.

Next, we’ll create the right environment for a successful virtual visit. 

Setting Up Your Space

Redhead with airpods and green wall

For the best virtual visit experience, make sure your environment is prime and ready to go.

Choose a private area for your appointment

Select the right environment for your virtual visit is essential to minimize interruptions and maintain privacy:

  • Choosing the Right Space: Select a quiet and private room where you can close the door and you won’t be disturbed.

  • Inform Household Members: Let others in your household know about your appointment to avoid disturbances.
  • Minimize Background Noise: Close windows and doors, and turn off any noisy appliances.

  • Ensure Good Lighting:
    • Natural Light: Natural light is best so the doctor can see you clearly. Position yourself facing a window if possible.

    • Artificial Light: If not, use a lamp if natural light is not available. Avoid backlighting (light shining from behind you), which can make it hard for your doctor to see you.

Keep water, pen and paper nearby 

Taking notes during your appointment can help you remember important information. And having water nearby can be helpful in case you get warm or have to cough during the call:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water can help keep your throat clear and prevent coughing.

  • Comfort: Having water on hand can make you feel more comfortable during the call.

Log on before your appointment time

Being on time for your appointment shows respect for your doctor’s schedule. To ensure a smooth virtual check-in:

  • Check Your Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable and your device is ready.

  • Log In Early: Try to log in at least 10 minutes before your appointment time in case of  any technical issues.

OK, you’re ready! You’re logged in and seated in a quiet, well-lit room with your water, pen, medical history, prescriptions, and questions. Let’s go!

During the Virtual Visit

Doctor with teal scrubs and patient virtual meeting

Now, let’s go through what to do during your virtual doctor appointment.

Speak clearly and concisely

Clear communication is essential for a successful virtual visit (Coleman, 2020):

  • Speak Slowly: Speak slowly and clearly to ensure your doctor understands you.

  • Be Concise: Try not to ramble. Get to the point quickly to make the most of your appointment time.

  • Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about anything you need to know or don’t understand.

Show any visible symptoms to the camera 

If you have visible symptoms, such as a rash or swelling, adjust your camera angle to clearly show the affected area.

Take notes on doctor’s advice and next steps

Taking notes can help you remember important information:

  • Write Down Instructions: Note any instructions or advice from your doctor, and confirm it with them.

  • List Follow-Up Actions: Record any follow-up actions, such as scheduling tests or appointments.

Confirm how to fill your prescriptions

Multi colored pills illustration

Be sure you know how and when to get your prescriptions after a virtual visit:

  • Pharmacy Information: Make sure your doctor has the correct pharmacy information.

  • E-Prescriptions: Your doctor may send an e-prescription to your pharmacy.

Finally, let’s discuss what to do after your virtual visit.

Follow-Up Actions

Redhead writing notes with green wall

Schedule follow-up appointments and access your medical records online

Follow-up appointments are often necessary for ongoing care. Your virtual doctor visit may be shorter than an in-person visit. Before you go, don’t forget to schedule your follow-up appointment if needed, and learn how to access your records online.

  • Contact Information: Label your doctor’s contact information in your phone so it’s there when you need to call them.

  • Patient Portal: Most healthcare providers offer a patient portal where you can access your visit summary and medical records. You can also schedule follow-up appointments there as an alternative to a call.

  • Download Records: Download and save important documents for your records.


Virtual doctor visits offer a convenient way to receive medical care, and with the right preparation, are just as effective as in-person appointments. By ensuring a stable internet connection, testing your device, gathering your medical information, and setting up a suitable space, you can make the most of your telehealth visit.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and get clarification during your virtual doctor visit. Remember to communicate clearly, take notes, and follow up on any actions they recommend. With practice, you’ll find that telehealth can be a valuable tool to manage your health and wellness.

Do you prefer to use telehealth services or see your doctor in person? Why?


5 Common Misconceptions about Telehealth: What Research Has to Say. (n.d.). Solutionreach. Retrieved from

Coleman, C. (2020. Health Literacy and Clear Communication Best Practices for Telemedicine. Health Literacy Research and Practice;4(4):e224-e229. doi:10.3928/24748307-20200924-01.

Hasselfeld, B. W. (n.d.). Benefits of Telemedicine. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved from

Henderson, E. (2023). Virtual or in person: Which kind of doctor’s visit is better, and when it matters. (2023). News Medical. Retrieved from

How do virtual visits work? (2023). UnitedHealthcare. Retrieved from

Lee, C. (2023). Common Misconceptions About Working in Telemedicine. Retrieved from

Lee, E. C., Grigorescu, V. Enogieru, I., Smith, S. R. Samson, L. W., Conmy, A. B. , & De Lew, N. (2023). Updated National Survey Trends in Telehealth Utilization and Modality (2021-2022). Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE). Retrieved from

Robeznieks, A. (2023). How telehealth’s future came into clearer view in 2023. American Medical Association (AMA). Retrieved from

Stewart, C. (2024). Telemedicine – statistics and facts. Statista. Retrieved from

Telehealth: What Is It, How to Prepare, Is it Covered? (n.d.). National Institute on Aging. Retrieved from

Telehealth for rural areas. (2024). Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Retrieved from

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Care. (2022). bravo. Retrieved from

Top 10 Telemedicine Myths. (n.d.). WeHealth Retrieved from

Why use telehealth? (2024). Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Retrieved from

Zulman, D. M., & Verghese, A. (2021). Virtual Care, Telemedicine Visits, and Real Connection in the Era of COVID-19: Unforeseen Opportunity in the Face of Adversity. JAMA; 325(5), 437–438. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.27304 

Top 10 Best AI Health Apps

Top 10 Best AI Health Apps

AI Health Tech

In today’s fast-paced world, staying on top of your health can be a challenge. Why not use your smartphone as your personal health assistant? Whether you’re looking to manage a chronic disease or simply keep track of your fitness goals, there’s an artificial intelligence (AI) health app for that. 

44% of smartphone users have at least one health app installed (Beckham, 2024) and use it to track and analyze their well-being. Let’s explore the top 10 best AI health apps changing the game in personal wellness management, and how to decide which one’s best for you.


What Are AI Health Monitoring Apps?

Menstruation app tracker

AI health apps are more than just fancy gadgets. They leverage machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze data from various sources, such as wearable devices, medical history, and biometric data. 

Benefits of Using AI for Health-Tracking

Woman standing by window looking at phone

Why should you consider using an AI health app? Smartphones and smartwatches can keep track of your health using AI to analyze your health data and monitor everything from your heart rate to your sleep patterns, helping you stay on top of your health. A few more compelling reasons include access to:

An AI health app can track your physical activity, monitor your heart rate, and even analyze your sleep patterns. This info can help you understand your overall health better and make informed decisions.

With so many options available, it’s important to know what features make a great AI health app.

What to Look for in Health Apps

Medicine reminder on tablet

When choosing an AI health app, it’s essential to know what features to look for. Here are some must-have features:

  • Activity Tracking: Monitor your daily physical activity, including steps taken, calories burned, and workout intensity.
  • Heart Rate Monitoring: Keep track of your heart rate during different activities and rest periods.
  • Sleep Tracking: Analyze your sleep patterns to improve your sleep quality.
  • Nutrition Tracking: Log your meals and monitor your calorie intake.
  • Symptom Checker: Identify potential health issues based on your symptoms.
  • Medication Reminders: Get reminders to take your medications on time.
  • Data Privacy: Ensure your health data is secure and private.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate and use, even for non-tech-savvy users.

These features can help you manage your health more effectively and make the app a valuable tool in your daily life.

Now that we know what to look for, let’s explore some of the top AI health apps on the market.

Our Picks: The 10 Best AI Health Apps

1. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal app

MyFitnessPal, developed by Under Armour, is a health app that focuses on nutrition and fitness tracking. It helps users log their meals, track their calorie intake, and monitor their physical activity.

Key Features:

  • Calorie counter
  • Nutrition tracking
  • Exercise tracking
  • Integration with other fitness apps and devices

Extensive food databaseAds in the free version
User-friendly interfaceSome features require a premium subscription

Use Case 

Ideal for individuals looking to manage their diet and fitness goals.

2. Fitbit

Fitbit smartwatch

Fitbit, now owned by Google, is a well-known name in the fitness tracking industry. The app works with Fitbit wearable devices to monitor various health metrics.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Personalized health insights

Comprehensive health-trackingRequires a Fitbit device
User-friendly interfaceSome features require a premium subscription

Use Case 

Suitable for fitness enthusiasts who want a detailed analysis of their health metrics.

3. Headspace


Headspace is a mental health app that focuses on meditation and mindfulness. It helps users manage stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being.

Key Features:

  • Guided meditation sessions
  • Sleep sounds and bedtime stories
  • Stress management tools
  • Personalized recommendations

High-quality content Subscription required for full access
User-friendly interfaceLimited free content

Use Case 

Great for individuals looking to improve their mental health and reduce stress.

4. Apple Health

Apple Health app

Apple Health is a built-in app for iOS devices that consolidates health data from various sources. It provides a deep overview of your health metrics.

Key Features:

  • Activity and exercise tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Integration with third-party apps

Integrates with multiple devicesOnly available on iOS
Comprehensive health dataLimited customization options

Use Case 

Perfect for iPhone users who want a centralized health-tracking solution.

5. Samsung Health

Samsung Health

Samsung Health is a versatile health app available for Android and iOS devices. It tracks various health metrics and offers personalized health insights.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Stress management tools

Wide range of featuresSome features require Samsung devices
User-friendly interfaceAds in the free version

Use Case 

Ideal for Samsung device users looking for a detailed health-tracking app.

6. Garmin Connect

Garmin Connect works with Garmin wearable devices to provide detailed health and fitness tracking. It shows data about your physical activity, sleep, and more.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Workout planner

Detailed health insightsRequires a Garmin device
CustomizableSome features are complex

Use Case 

Best for athletes and fitness enthusiasts using Garmin devices.

7. Oura

Oura Ring app

Oura is the health app that comes with the Oura Ring to track various health metrics, including sleep, activity, and readiness.

Key Features:

  • Sleep tracking
  • Activity tracking
  • Readiness score
  • Personalized insights

Accurate sleep trackingExpensive
Comprehensive health dataRequires the Oura Ring

Use Case 

Suitable for individuals focused on improving their sleep and overall health.

8. Google Fit

Google Fit app

Google Fit is a health app developed by Google that tracks your physical activity and provides personalized health insights.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Integration with other fitness apps
  • Personalized goals

Free to useLimited advanced features
Works with multiple devicesBasic interface

Use Case 

Ideal for Android users looking for a free health-tracking solution.

9. Noom

Noom Linkedin post

Noom is a health app that focuses on weight loss and healthy living through behavioral science. It offers personalized coaching and meal tracking.

Key Features:

  • Calorie counter
  • Nutrition tracking
  • Personalized coaching
  • Behavioral insights

Personalized approachSubscription required
Effective weight loss programTime-consuming

Use Case 

Great for individuals looking to lose weight and adopt healthier habits.

10. Flo

Flo app

Flo is an app designed for women’s health. It tracks menstrual cycles and ovulation, and offers personalized health insights.

Key Features:

  • Menstrual cycle tracking
  • Ovulation prediction
  • Health insights
  • Symptom checker

Comprehensive women’s health-trackingSome features require a subscription
User-friendly interfaceAds in the free version

Use Case 

Ideal for women looking to track their menstrual health and fertility.

With all these great options, how do you pick the right one for you? Next we’ll look at some tips to help you decide.

How to Choose the Right App for Your Needs

Person touching their fitness watch

Choosing the right AI health app can be overwhelming with so many options available. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Determine Your Needs: Determine what health metrics you want to track and what features are most important to you.
  • Check Compatibility: Ensure the app is compatible with your devices and other health apps you use.
  • Read Reviews: Look for user reviews and ratings to get an idea of the app’s performance and reliability.
  • Consider Privacy: Make sure the app has robust privacy and security measures to protect your data.
  • Try Free Versions: Many apps offer free versions or trials. Test them out before committing to a subscription.

By considering these factors, you can find an app that meets your health-tracking needs and fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

While these apps can be incredibly helpful, it’s crucial to consider how they handle your personal information.

Privacy and Security Considerations

A running app on phone with sneakers

When it comes to health apps, privacy and security are paramount. Here are some key considerations (ERTech, 2023):

  • Data Encryption: Ensure the app uses encryption to protect your data during transmission and storage.
  • Secure Authentication: Look for apps that offer multi-factor authentication to verify your identity.
  • Clear Privacy Policies: The app should have a transparent privacy policy that is easy to understand.
  • Data Sharing: Be cautious of apps that share your data with third parties, especially for advertising purposes.

A study in the British Medical Journal found that many health apps have serious privacy issues, including a lack of transparency in their privacy policies (Grundy et al., 2019). It’s crucial to choose apps that prioritize your data privacy and security.

As exciting as current AI health apps are, the future holds even more promise. Let’s take a look at what’s coming.

The Future of AI in Health Monitoring

fitness watch closeup

The future of AI in health monitoring looks promising. Here are some trends to watch:

  • Advanced Predictive Analysis: AI will become better at predicting health issues before they occur, leading to more proactive healthcare.
  • Integration with Telemedicine: AI health apps will work more seamlessly with telemedicine services, providing a well-rounded healthcare solution.
  • Personalized Healthcare: AI will continue to offer more personal tips tailored to individual needs and preferences.
  • Improved Data Privacy: As privacy concerns grow, AI health apps will adopt more advanced privacy-preserving techniques, such as federated learning and differential privacy (Yadav et al., 2023).


AI health monitoring apps are powerful tools that put wellness management at your fingertips. From tracking your sleep patterns to monitoring your heart rate, these smart applications offer personalized insights to help you make informed decisions about your health. 

Remember, while these apps are incredibly useful, they’re not a replacement for professional medical advice. Use them as a complement to regular check-ups and always consult with your healthcare provider for serious concerns. By choosing the right app and prioritizing privacy and security, you can take control of your health and well-being. 


Beckman, J. (2024). 30 Amazing Mobile Health Technology Statistics. Tech Report. Retrieved from

Best Practices for Healthcare Privacy in Mobile Apps. ERTech. Retrieved from

Grundy, Q., Chiu, K., Held, F., Continella, A., Bero, L., & Holz, R. (2019). Data sharing practices of medicines related apps and the mobile ecosystem: Traffic, content, and network analysis. BMJ, 364, l920.

Yadav, N., Pandey, S., Gupta, A., Dudani, P., Gupta, S., & Rangarajan, K. Data Privacy in Healthcare: In the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Indian Dermatology Online Journal, 14(6), 788-792.

How AI Helps Combat Global Health Crises

How AI Helps Combat Global Health Crises

AI Health Tech Med Tech

As we learned during the pandemic, global health threats can spread rapidly across borders, and the need for innovative solutions has never been more pressing. 

Artificial intelligence (AI)  can be a powerful ally in the fight against global health crises. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that AI tools have improved early detection of potential disease outbreaks by 36%. 

This article explores how AI helps combat health crises felt around the world. 


Early Detection and Prediction of Outbreaks

Lab room items illustration

During the pandemic, AI initiatives for forecasting and modeling increased dramatically. The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence identified 84 AI-related initiatives supporting pandemic response globally. (Borda et al, 2022).

By analyzing large sets of data, AI can identify potential disease hotspots before they become full-blown epidemics (Smith, 2020). How? 

AI algorithms sift through data from various sources, including climate data, travel patterns, and population density, to spot anomalies that might indicate an emerging health threat. 

Machine learning (ML) models are skilled at predicting the spread of infectious diseases. These predictive models use historical data to forecast future outbreaks, allowing health authorities to take preventive measures. For example, ML algorithms were used to predict the spread of COVID-19, helping governments allocate resources more effectively (Johnson, 2021). 

A few more examples:

  • Boston Children’s Hospital’s HealthMap used real-time data for early COVID-19 detection (Gaur et al., 2021). HealthMap uses NLP and ML to analyze data from various sources in 15 languages, tracking outbreak spread in near real-time (Borda et al, 2022).
  • Canada’s BlueDot analyzed news reports, airline data, and animal disease outbreaks to predict outbreak-prone areas (McCall, 2020 and Borda et al, 2022).
  • Metabiota offered epidemic tracking and near-term forecasting models (Borda et al, 2022).

Predictive modeling with medical imaging has a high accuracy rate  

In a study that created an early warning system for COVID-19, they combined clinical information and CT scans with 92% accuracy in predicting which patients might get worse (Lv et al., 2024). 

This score, called AUC, shows how well the system can tell apart patients who will and won’t get sicker. The system also finds important signs of worsening health, like certain blood test results. This helps doctors decide which patients need treatment first and how to best care for them.

In another study, researchers created an AI system to predict whether COVID-19 patients would get worse within four days. This system used chest X-rays and patient data. When tested on 3,661 patients, the system had a 79% accuracy rate. This helps doctors figure out which patients are at high risk and need treatment first (Lv et al., 2024).

Social media’s role in early detection

Real-time monitoring of social media and news sources also plays a crucial role in early detection. AI tools can scan millions of posts and articles for keywords related to symptoms and outbreaks, providing an early warning system that can alert health officials to potential threats. This method was instrumental in identifying the early signs of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China (Brown, 2020). 

Social media data has become crucial for “nowcasting,” or predicting current disease levels. Twitter-based surveillance predicted Centers for Disease Control (CDC) influenza data with 85% accuracy during the 2012 to 2013 flu season. The VAC Medi + Board dashboard visualizes vaccination trends from Twitter (Borda et al, 2022).

Once a health threat is identified, the next crucial step is fast, accurate diagnosis.

Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy and Speed

X-ray on blue film

AI can improve diagnostic accuracy and speed. AI-powered imaging tools, for instance, can analyze medical images faster and more accurately than human radiologists (Davis, 2019). These tools use deep learning algorithms to detect abnormalities in X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, often catching diseases at earlier stages than traditional methods.

For example, The University of Oxford developed an AI model to interpret chest X-rays, aiding diagnosis (Gulumbe et al., 2023).

Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can extract vital information from medical records, helping doctors make more informed decisions (Wilson, 2021). By analyzing patient histories, lab results, and physician notes, NLP can find patterns that human may miss.

Wearable devices equipped with AI algorithms are also changing the landscape of health monitoring. These devices continuously track vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, alerting users and healthcare providers to any irregularities (Green, 2020). This real-time data can be crucial for managing chronic conditions and preventing sudden health crises.

After diagnosis, the race for treatment begins. AI is speeding up this process in remarkable ways.

Accelerating Drug Discovery and Development

Vials scale and microscope

The process of drug discovery and development is time-consuming and expensive. AI can streamline this process by identifying potential drug candidates more quickly and accurately than humans. 

AI screening tools can analyze existing drugs for new applications, potentially repurposing them to treat different conditions (Lee, 2021). 

ML models are also being used to design novel drug compounds. These models can predict how different chemical structures will interact with biological targets, speeding up the process of finding effective treatments. 

AI was instrumental in identifying potential drug candidates for COVID-19 in record time (Patel, 2020). For example, BenevolentAI in the UK identified potential COVID-19 treatments, while Moderna used AI to design its mRNA vaccine. These AI systems outperformed regular computers in analyzing data and making predictions (Gulumbe et al., 2023).


Simulation of clinical trials is another area where AI is making an impact. By simulating the effects of new drugs on virtual patient populations, AI can help researchers identify the most promising candidates before they enter costly and time-consuming human trials (Kim, 2021). This approach saves time and reduces the risk of adverse effects.

Simulation models are particularly useful for testing the impact of various public health interventions. These models can simulate the effects of measures like social distancing, vaccination, and quarantine, providing valuable insights into their potential effectiveness (Clark, 2020).

Even the best treatments need efficient delivery systems. Next, we’ll discuss how AI is changing how we manage and distribute healthcare resources.

Optimizing Resource Allocation and Healthcare Delivery

Nurse talking to staff

AI systems are proving invaluable in managing hospital resources and patient flow. Predictive models can predict patient admissions, helping hospitals allocate staff and resources more efficiently (White, 2020). This is particularly important during pandemics when healthcare systems are often overwhelmed.

Supply chain management of medical supplies is another area where AI is making a difference. Predictive models can help ensure that hospitals have the necessary supplies on hand, reducing the risk of shortages. 

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, AI tools predicted the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilators (Garcia, 2021).

Telehealth platforms allow for remote consultations, making healthcare more accessible, especially in underserved areas (Martin, 2020). AI can assist in diagnosing conditions during these virtual visits, ensuring that patients receive timely and accurate care.

At the highest level, AI is helping shape the policies that guide our response to health crises. 

Supporting Public Health Decision-Making

AI is critical in public health decision-making. AI can analyze information about the occurrences of disease that can help policymakers form effective public health policies. 

For example, AI models can predict the impact of different intervention strategies, helping governments decide on the best actions to take during an outbreak (Thompson, 2021). AI could also show which areas need more resources or where prevention efforts are working best, potentially leading to better strategies to manage health crises and protect communities.

Public health disease surveillance with AI

AI has greatly improved disease surveillance and epidemic detection. 

AI applications can track various diseases including malaria, dengue fever, and cholera. The U.S. CDC’s FluView app and the ARGONet system are examples of advanced flu-tracking tools (Borda et al., 2022).

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Natural language generation (NLG) is another AI technology that supports public health efforts. NLG algorithms can create clear and targeted public health messages, ensuring that information is easily understood by the general public (Adams, 2021). This is crucial during health crises when timely and accurate communication can save lives


In the face of increasingly complex global health challenges, AI stands out as a vital tool in our arsenal. From spotting disease outbreaks before they spiral out of control to speeding up drug development and optimizing healthcare delivery, AI is proving its worth in countless ways. While it’s not a silver bullet, the integration of AI into global health strategies offers a path to more effective, efficient, and equitable healthcare worldwide. 

However, AI’s use is mostly limited to rich countries, which worsens health inequalities. To fix this, we need international teamwork to improve digital systems in poorer countries. Partnerships between these countries, wealthy nations, and tech companies could help share technology and build skills. It’s also important to create AI solutions that fit each region’s specific needs (Gulumbe et al., 2023).

As we continue to refine and expand AI applications in this field, we move closer to a future where we can respond swiftly and effectively to health crises, saving countless lives in the process.


Adams, L. (2021). Natural Language Generation in Public Health. Journal of Health Communication, 26(4), 89-101.

Borda, A. Molnar, A., Nessham, C. & Kostkova, P. (2022). Ethical Issues in AI-Enabled Disease Surveillance: Perspectives from Global Health. Applied Sciences. 12, 3890. doi:10.3390/app12083890

Brown, A. (2020). Real-Time Monitoring of Social Media for Disease Outbreaks. Public Health Reports, 135(4), 456-467.

Clark, D. (2020). Simulation Models for Public Health Interventions. Health Policy and Planning, 35(5), 123-135.

Davis, R. (2019). AI-Powered Imaging Tools in Diagnostics. Radiology Today, 36(5), 78-85.

Garcia, T. (2021). Predictive Models for Medical Supply Chain Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 28(3), 67-79.

​​Gaur L, Singh G, Agarwal V. Leveraging artificial intelligence tools to combat the COVID-19 crisis. In: Singh PK, Veselov G, Vyatkin V, Pljonkin A, Dodero JM, Kumar Y (eds) Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies. Singapore: Springer, 2021, pp. 321–328.

Green, P. (2020). Wearable Devices for Health Monitoring. Journal of Digital Health, 22(3), 201-213.

Gulumbe, B. H., Yusuf, Z. M., & Hashim, A. M. (2023). Harnessing artificial intelligence in the post-COVID-19 era: A global health imperative. Tropical Doctor.

Johnson, L. (2021). Predictive Models for Infectious Disease Spread. Health Informatics Journal, 27(2), 89-102.

Kim, H. (2021). Simulation of Clinical Trials Using AI. Clinical Trials Journal, 33(2), 145-158.

Lee, M. (2021). AI-Driven Drug Discovery. Pharmaceutical Research, 38(6), 789-802.

Lv, C., Guo, W., Yin, X., Liu, L., Huang, X., Li, S., & Zhang, L. (2024). Innovative applications of artificial intelligence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infectious Medicine, 3(1), 100095.

Martin, R. (2020). Telemedicine and AI. Journal of Telehealth, 19(2), 34-46.

McCall B. COVID-19 and artificial intelligence: protecting health-care workers and curbing the spread. Lancet Digital Health 2020; 2: e166–e167.

Patel, S. (2020). Machine Learning in Drug Development. Drug Development Today, 25(7), 123-136.

Smith, J. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Disease Detection. Journal of Epidemiology, 45(3), 123-134.

Thompson, E. (2021). AI in Public Health Policy. Public Health Journal, 40(1), 23-36.

White, J. (2020). AI in Hospital Resource Management. Healthcare Management Review, 35(4), 89-100.

Wilson, K. (2021). Natural Language Processing in Healthcare. Medical Informatics, 29(1), 45-58.

Post-Op Care: Use AI to Recover from Surgery with these 5 Tools

Post-Op Care: Use AI to Recover from Surgery with these 5 Tools

AI Health Tech

Did you know that AI-assisted surgeries can reduce post-operative complications by up to 41%? And that’s just the beginning. Today’s healthcare is getting smarter, and it’s all thanks to artificial intelligence. 

Imagine waking up from surgery to find a robot monitoring your vital signs and an AI system crafting your recovery plan. Sounds like science fiction, right? 

From personalized rehab plans to virtual reality (VR) exercises, you can use AI to recover from surgery, making healing faster, safer, and less stressful. 

Curious about how this tech might help you or your loved ones bounce back after an operation? Let’s dive into five AI tools reshaping post-op care. These aren’t just gadgets – they’re your new health allies, working around the clock to get you back on your feet.


1. Memora Health

Memora Health app conversation
Source: Memora Health

Memora Health has an AI-powered tool that helps create personalized treatment plans for patients recovering from surgery. This software analyzes patient data to tailor rehabilitation programs to each individual’s needs. 

Key Features:

  • Answers patient questions via text messages (SMS) 
  • Reminds patients to take medications
  • Adjusts treatment based on patient survey feedback
  • Tracks long-term recovery outcomes

Personalized careRequires consistent data input
Improves recovery ratesMay need regular software updates
Saves time for healthcare providersInitial cost can be high

Use case 

A patient recovering from knee surgery uses Memora Health’s platform to get a personalized exercise plan. The software adjusts the plan as the patient progresses, ensuring they’re always working at the right level for optimal recovery.

To learn more, visit:

2. MotionAnalytics

Source: MotionAnalytics

MotionAnalytics is a movement assessment system that uses sensors and AI to evaluate and improve patients’ physical movements during recovery. This technology acts like a virtual movement coach, ensuring exercises are done correctly. It’s commonly used in physical therapy clinics and sports medicine facilities.

Key Features:

  • Real-time movement analysis
  • Provides instant feedback on exercise form
  • Tracks progress over time
  • Integrates with other rehabilitation tools
Improves exercise effectivenessRequires specific hardware
Reduces risk of re-injuryMay feel intrusive to some patients
Provides objective data on progressLearning curve for therapists

Use case

A stroke patient uses MotionAI during rehabilitation sessions to ensure they’re performing arm exercises correctly, maximizing the benefits of their therapy.

To learn more, visit :

3. Post Op 

Post Op app conversation
Source: Post Op

Post Op is a platform that supports patients recovering from surgery. This system helps healthcare providers monitor patients’ recovery progress and address complications and symptoms. It’s used in hospitals and outpatient clinics to optimize rehabilitation strategies.

Key Features:

  • Predicts likely recovery outcomes
  • Identifies potential complications early
  • Suggests proactive interventions
  • Generates easy-to-understand reports
Helps prevent setbacks Predictions may cause anxiety
Improves overall recovery outcomesRequires large amounts of data
Assists in resource allocationMay not account for rare complications

Use case

A cardiac surgery patient’s RecoveryPath analysis suggests a high risk of infection. The healthcare team implements additional preventive measures, successfully avoiding the complication.

To learn more, visit:

4. Koji’s Quest

Source: NeuroReality on Linkedin

Koji’s Quest combines VR with AI and game activities to help people who’ve had strokes or brain injuries. Created by NeuroReality, it guides patients through exercises that help them relearn everyday tasks. The program works by using the brain’s ability to rewire itself through new experiences and practice.

Key Features:

  • Interactive adventure game
  • Customizable options for therapy
  • AI-driven difficulty adjustment
  • Can use at home on multiple devices
Highly engaging for patientsRequires VR equipment
Can simulate real-world scenariosMay cause motion sickness in some users
Allows for remote therapy sessionsInitial setup can be complex

Use case

A patient recovering from hand surgery uses VRRehab to practice fine motor skills through virtual games, finding the experience more enjoyable and motivating than traditional exercises.

To learn more, visit:

5. PainSense 

PainSense app
Source: Milo Creative

PainSense is an intelligent pain management system developed by Milo Creative. This AI-powered tool analyzes patient data to recommend personalized pain management strategies. It’s used in hospitals and pain management clinics to enhance patient comfort and recovery.

Key Features:

  • Continuous pain level monitoring
  • Personalized medication recommendations
  • Non-pharmacological intervention suggestions
  • Integration with patient health records
Improves pain control May over-rely on self-reported data
Reduces risk of medication errors Requires regular patient input
Promotes alternative pain management methodsCannot replace human judgment entirely

Use case

A patient recovering from abdominal surgery uses PainSense AI to manage their discomfort. The system suggests a combination of medication timing and relaxation techniques, leading to better pain control and reduced reliance on opioids.

To learn more, visit:


AI tools are making a difference in post-operative care. They’re not just making recovery faster – they’re making it smarter and more personal. But remember, it doesn’t replace human care. It’s a team effort between you, your doctors, and these smart systems.

If you or someone you know is facing surgery, ask your healthcare provider about these AI tools. They might not have all of them, but even one could make a big difference in recovery.

In the end, the goal is simple: to help you heal better and faster. With AI lending a hand, that goal is more achievable than ever. Here’s to a future where recovery is smoother, quicker, with maybe even a little high-tech fun.

Best AI Surgical Systems and Software

Best AI Surgical Systems and Software

AI Health Tech

In 2019, U.S. hospitals performed 8 million surgeries. Part of the rapid growth in surgeries is due to the increasing use of AI surgical systems and software.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way surgeons plan, perform, and manage them. These cutting-edge technologies are not just tools; they’re partners in the OR. From robots to AI imaging systems, let’s discuss how AI is used for surgery.


Understanding AI in Surgical Systems

What are AI surgical systems, and how do they work?

People in OR

Definition of AI surgical systems

AI surgical systems use advanced algorithms and machine learning (ML) to help surgeons at different points during an operation. These systems can study medical images, predict how the operation will progress, and control robotic surgery tools. The goal is to enhance precision, reduce errors, and improve patient outcomes.

Key components of AI surgical tools

AI-powered surgical tools typically consist of:

  • ML Algorithms: They’re used in surgery to train robots to learn and adapt to their environment.
  • Computer Vision (CV): AI-based CV focuses on imaging, navigation, and guidance (Kitaguchi et al., 2022). This technology allows machines to interpret and process visual data, crucial for tasks like identifying tissues or navigating surgical instruments.
  • Robotic Arms: Controlled by AI, these robotic arms can perform delicate surgical tasks with great accuracy and precision.
  • Clinical Decision Support Systems: These systems provide real-time recommendations to surgeons based on patient data and AI analysis.

How AI improves surgical precision and decision-making

AI enhances surgical precision by providing real-time feedback and guidance. For example, during a procedure, AI can analyze live video feeds to alert surgeons of potential issues or suggest optimal surgical paths. This reduces the risk of human error and increases the success rate of surgeries (Mithany et al., 2023).

ML’s role in surgical applications

ML plays a critical role in surgical applications by continuously learning and improving from new data, then refining surgical techniques, predicting outcomes, and personalizing patient care. For instance, AI can predict complications based on patient history and intraoperative data, allowing for timely interventions (Loftus et al., 2020).

Now that we understand how AI works in surgery, let’s look at some of the best AI-powered surgical robots.

Top AI Robotic Surgical Systems

Robot touching invisible screen

What’s the difference between AI and robotics?

AI and robotics are different, but work together in surgery. AI makes machines think like humans, while robotics builds machines to do tasks automatically. Robots can work faster and with fewer mistakes than humans (Ally Robotics, 2023).

AI helps machines learn from information, make choices, and solve problems on their own. It includes things like ML and CV. Both AI and robotics try to create smart systems that can work on their own, and interact with the world around them (Ally Robotics, 2023).

AI imaging technologies are often integrated with robotic systems to enhance surgical precision. 

Surgeons can work alongside robots in the OR that help make precise cuts. Thus, there’s less chance of mistakes during an operation, making surgery safer for patients.

Top robotic surgical platforms

Let’s review a few of the best AI-powered robotic surgical systems and their capabilities.

  1. da Vinci Surgical System: One of the most well-known robotic systems, da Vinci, uses AI to assist with minimally invasive surgeries. It offers high precision and control, allowing surgeons to perform complex procedures with smaller incisions (Varghese et al., 2024). Widely used in prostatectomies, the system has shown reduced recovery times and fewer complications compared to traditional methods.

  2. Mazor X Stealth Edition: This system is used primarily for spinal surgeries. It combines AI with real-time imaging to improve surgical accuracy and safety. For example, it has significantly improves the accuracy of screw placements, reducing the risk of nerve damage.

  3. Versius Surgical System: Known for its ergonomic design, Versius uses AI to assist in various laparoscopic procedures, offering flexibility and precision. Successfully used in colorectal surgeries, it improves surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Comparing features and capabilities

SystemKey FeaturesApplications
da VinciHigh precision, 3D visualization, intuitive controlGeneral surgery, urology, and gynecology
Mazor X Stealth EditionSpinal surgeriesSpinal surgeries
VersiusErgonomic design, flexible arms, AI assistanceLaparoscopic surgeries


Advantages over traditional surgical methods

AI-powered robotic systems offer several advantages:

  • Precision: Enhanced control and accuracy reduce the risk of errors.
  • Minimally Invasive: Smaller incisions lead to quicker recovery and less scarring.
  • Consistency: AI provides consistent performance, reducing variability in surgical outcomes.

Robots aren’t the only way to use AI’s help with surgery. Next we’ll check out some of the best AI-powered surgical software.

AI Surgical Planning Software

How preoperative planning affects surgical outcomes

Effective preoperative (before surgery) planning can significantly impact surgical success, which includes detailed analysis of patient data, surgical simulations, and risk assessments. Proper planning helps in anticipating potential complications and devising strategies to mitigate them (Mithany et al., 2023).

  1. Surgical Theater PlanXR™: This software uses virtual reality (VR) to create 3D models of patient anatomy, allowing surgeons to plan and rehearse procedures. For example, in neurosurgery it improves the accuracy of tumor resections by providing detailed 3D visualizations of brain structures.

  2. Touch Surgery™: An interactive platform that uses AI to simulate surgical procedures, providing a hands-on training experience for surgeons. It shortens the learning curve for new surgeons, so they can be better prepared and reduce errors in actual surgeries.

  3. ProPlan CMF™: Specialized in cranio-maxillofacial surgeries, this software uses AI to plan complex face and mouth surguries, and predict surgical outcomes. The software makes it easier for doctors to rebuild bones more accurately. This means patients end up looking better and their new face parts work better too.

How AI improves surgical strategy and reduces complications

AI software enhances surgical strategy by providing detailed visualizations and predictive analytics. For instance, AI can simulate different surgical approaches and predict their outcomes, helping surgeons choose the best strategy. This reduces the likelihood of complications and improves overall surgical success (Knudsen et al., 2024).

While planning is important, AI also plays a big role during the actual surgery (with ot without robots). Let’s explore how AI helps with imaging and navigation in the OR.

Intraoperative Imaging and Navigation with AI

Taking images and using guiding tools (intraoperative imaging and navigation) are critical for the success of complex surgeries. AI makes these tools even better by providing real-time guidance and improving surgical precision.

Advanced imaging technologies enhanced by AI

AI enhances imaging technologies by providing real-time analysis and feedback. For example, AI can process intraoperative CT scans or MRIs to highlight critical structures and suggest optimal surgical paths. This allows surgeons to make informed decisions on the fly (Knudsen et al., 2024).

Real-time surgical navigation systems

AI-powered navigation systems use real-time data to guide surgical instruments with high precision. These systems can track the position of surgical tools and patient anatomy, providing continuous feedback to the surgeon. This is particularly useful in complex procedures like brain or spinal surgeries.

Benefits of AI-powered imaging in complex procedures

  • Enhanced Visualization: AI can highlight critical structures and potential risks in real-time, improving surgical accuracy.
  • Reduced Complications: By providing precise guidance, AI reduces the risk of damaging vital tissues.
  • Improved Efficiency: Real-time feedback helps in making quick decisions, reducing overall surgery time.

AI doesn’t stop working when the surgery ends. It can continue to help patients heal.

AI for Post-Operative Care and Recovery

After surgery, AI systems can monitor patient recovery, predict complications, and personalize recovery plans.

AI monitoring systems for patient recovery

AI-driven monitoring systems use sensors and wearable devices to continuously track patient vitals and recovery progress. These systems can detect early signs of complications and alert healthcare providers, ensuring timely interventions.

Predictive analytics for post-surgical complications

Predictive analytics use patient data and AI algorithms to predict potential post-surgical complications. For example, AI can analyze patterns in patient vitals to predict infections or other complications, allowing for early treatment and better outcomes (Loftus et al., 2020).

Personalized recovery plans by AI

AI can create personalized recovery plans based on individual patient data. These plans consider factors like patient history, type of surgery, and recovery progress to provide tailored recommendations. This personalized approach improves recovery times and reduces the risk of complications.

Patient followup

Research has found a 19% higher risk of nonadherence for patients who interact with a physician who doesn’t communicate well (Haskard Zolnierek & DiMatteo, 2009). 

One study tested a system with AI to follow up with patients who had bone surgery. The AI system got more responses than when people made phone calls, but the type of feedback was different. 

Patients told the AI more about their hospital stay and what they learned. They told human staff more about how they felt after surgery, which could be because people feel more comfortable talking to other people about health issues. Still, AI systems could help by giving patients simple information, answering questions, and spotting problems that doctors need to look at. This could make doctors’ jobs easier and help reduce long waiting lists (Guni et al., 2024).

Reducing hospital readmissions and improving outcomes

AI-driven post-operative care systems can reduce hospital readmissions by providing continuous monitoring and timely interventions. This not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces healthcare costs and resource needs (Scott et al., 2024).

Although AI in surgical systems offers many benefits, it also presents several challenges and areas for improvement.

Future Directions in AI Surgical Systems

Current limitations and areas for improvement

  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensuring the privacy and security of patient data is a significant challenge.
  • Algorithm Bias: AI algorithms can sometimes be biased, leading to unfair or inaccurate outcomes.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating AI technologies with existing surgical systems and workflows can be complex and costly.

Ethical considerations in AI-assisted surgery

Ethical considerations include ensuring transparency in AI decision-making, maintaining accountability for AI-driven actions, and addressing potential job displacement among healthcare professionals. It is crucial to develop ethical frameworks and guidelines to navigate these challenges (Mithany et al., 2023).

Emerging trends in AI surgical systems include the development of fully autonomous surgical robots (Gumbs et al., 2021), advanced predictive analytics for personalized medicine, and the integration of AI with other technologies like augmented reality (AR) and VR. These advancements hold the potential to further revolutionize surgical practices and improve patient outcomes.

Training the next generation of surgeons with AI

AI simulation platforms are transforming surgical education by providing hands-on training experiences in a safe environment. These platforms use AI to simulate surgical procedures, assess performance, and provide real-time feedback, helping to train the next generation of surgeons more effectively (Scott et al., 2024).


AI in surgical systems is enhancing precision, improving decision-making, and optimizing patient care. Ai isn’t just enhancing surgeons’ capabilities; they’re reshaping the entire surgical experience from planning to recovery. 

The best AI surgical systems offer precision, improved decision-making, and better patient outcomes. While challenges remain, the future of AI in surgery is bright, with promise of a future with safer, more efficient, and more personalized surgical care.


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