How to Prepare for Your Virtual Doctor Visit: A Complete Guide

How to Prepare for Your Virtual Doctor Visit: A Complete Guide

Health Tech

A virtual doctor visit is a convenient and effective way to receive medical care, making healthcare more accessible and efficient for everyone. From 2019 to 2024, the rate of online doctor visits worldwide more than doubled to over 116 million. 

Whether you’re a first-timer or you want to improve your virtual doctor visit experience, proper preparation is key. This guide will walk you through the steps to ensure your online appointment is as effective as – or even better than – an in-person visit.

Let’s start with some background about virtual doctor visits and their benefits.


Virtual Doctor Visit Overview

Woman in gold talking to doctor on laptop

What is a virtual doctor visit?

A virtual doctor visit, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, is a way to consult with your healthcare provider using technology like video calls, phone calls, or text messaging. 

Instead of going to a doctor’s office, you can talk to your doctor from the comfort of your home using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. 

This method is more popular since the COVID-19 pandemic, as it offers a convenient and safe way to receive medical care (Zulman & Verghese, 2021 & National Institute on Aging, n.d.). The Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (with data from April 2021 through August 2022) found that (Lee, E. C. et al., 2023):

  • Telehealth use was lowest among people who are uninsured (9.4%), aged 18 to 24 (17.6%), and residents of the Midwest (18.7%).

  • Telehealth use was highest among those with Medicaid (28.3%) and Medicare (26.8%), those who are Black (26.1%), and those earning less than $25,000 (26.4%).

Benefits of telehealth appointments

Woman talking to doctor on her phone closeup

Telehealth appointments come with several advantages:

  • Convenience: You don’t have to travel to the doctor’s office or sit in a waiting room. You can have your appointment from anywhere, whether it’s in your home, office, or even your car during a lunch break (Hasselfeld, n.d. & bravo, 2022).

  • Saves Time: A virtual visit can save you more than an hour compared to an in-person visit (UnitedHealthcare, 2023). This is great for people with busy schedules or live far away from their doctors (bravo, 2022).

  • Cost-Effective: Virtual visits often cost less than in-person visits, especially when compared to urgent care or emergency room visits (Zulman & Verghese, 2021 & bravo, 2022).

  • Accessibility: Telehealth increases access to healthcare for people in rural areas or those with mobility issues. It also allows you to consult with specialists who may not be available in your local area (bravo, 2022 & HRSA, 2024).

  • Safety: Virtual visits help prevent the spread of infectious diseases by reducing the need for in-person interactions (Hasselfeld, n.d. & HRSA, 2024).

Common misconceptions about virtual consultations

Black woman talking to someone on laptop in sideview

Despite its benefits, there are several myths about virtual consultations:

  • “Telehealth is only for tech-savvy people.” Many people believe that you need to be tech-savvy to use telehealth services. However, most platforms are easy to use and designed to be accessible to everyone, including older adults (Solutionreach, n.d.).

  • “Virtual visits aren’t secure.” Security is a common concern, but reputable telehealth platforms are HIPAA-compliant and use advanced security measures to protect your privacy (Solutionreach, n.d.).

  • “Telehealth is a temporary solution.” While telehealth surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is here to stay. Many healthcare providers continue to offer virtual visits as a permanent option (Lee, C. 2023).

  • “I won’t get to choose my doctor.” Online health platforms let you review detailed profiles of multiple certified doctors. This allows you to choose a provider that fits your needs best, giving you more control over your healthcare (WeHealth, n.d.).

  • “It’s not covered on my insurance.” (WeHealth, n.d.). Many insurance plans now cover telehealth as it becomes more common. Healthcare providers are adapting to make virtual care accessible, recognizing its growing importance in delivering patient care.

When to choose a virtual doctor visit vs. in person

Taking blood pressure

Virtual doctor visits have a lot of conveniences. But there are certain times when it’s better to see the doctor in person, for (Henderson, 2023):

  • First-Time Visits: If it’s your first time seeing this doctor, you should see them. Face-to-face meetings help patients build trust and doctors assess both physical and emotional aspects.

  • Physical Exams: If you’ve noticed new or worsening symptoms, the doctor will need to see you in person to examine the affected areas of your body.

  • Serious Health Conditions: Unless they tell you otherwise, it’s better to go to your doctor’s office for your health appointments. 

After you establish a relationship with this doctor, telehealth can be useful for follow-ups.

Now that you understand the basics, let’s set up your tech for a smooth virtual visit experience.

Technical Preparations

Ensure a stable internet connection

A stable internet connection is crucial for a successful virtual doctor visit. Here are some tips:

  • Check Your Internet Speed: Use a speed test to ensure your internet connection is fast enough for video calls. 

    Note that if you live in a rural area or anywhere your internet service is often unstable, you can also (HRSA, 2024):
  • Use a Wired Connection: If possible, use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi for a more stable connection.

  • Close Unnecessary Items: Close any apps or browser tabs that might be using internet bandwidth.

Test your device’s camera and microphone

Female doctor waving to female patient on Zoom

Before your appointment, test your device’s camera and microphone to make sure they are working:

  • Check Settings: Go to your device’s settings to ensure the camera and microphone are enabled.

  • Use Headphones: Using headphones with a built-in microphone can improve sound quality and reduce background noise.

  • Do a Test Call: Make a test call with a friend or family member to check the audio and video quality.

Get familiar with the required software or app

Your healthcare provider will use a specific telehealth platform or app for the virtual visit that you may not be familiar with. To save yourself some frustration do these tasks well in advance of your virtual visit:

  • Download in Advance: Download the required software or app well before your appointment.

  • Create an Account: If necessary, create an account and log in to familiarize yourself with the platform.

  • Explore Features: Take some time to explore the features, such as how to join a call, mute/unmute yourself, and turn the camera on/off.

With your tech ready, it’s time to collect important medical information for your appointment.

Gather Your Medical Information

Flatlay of small medical items

Update your medical history

The doctor may ask you about your medical history, or ask you to fill out a form to collect it. Be sure to include:

  • List Past Conditions: Note all your past medical conditions, surgeries, and hospital stays.

  • Your Family History: Include any relevant family medical history, such as chronic illnesses or genetic conditions.

List current medications and dosages

Pills and capsules (pink white and tan)

Make a list of all the medications you’re taking, including:

  • Prescription Medications: Write the name, dosage, and frequency for each prescription.

  • Over-the-Counter Medications: Don’t forget to list any over-the-counter (OTC) medications, supplements, or vitamins you’re taking, and any you’re thinking about starting.

  • Recent Changes: Note any recent changes in your medications or dosages.

Note any recent changes in your health

Keep track of any new symptoms or changes in your health:

  • New Symptoms: Note any new or worsening symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, or changes in appetite.

  • Measurements: If applicable, record any recent measurements like blood pressure, weight, or blood sugar levels.

Prepare questions for your doctor

Make a list of questions and have it ready to help you get the most out of your appointment, such as:

  • Symptoms: Ask about any symptoms or concerns you have.

  • Treatment Options: Inquire about treatment options, side effects, and alternatives.

  • Follow-Up: Ask about the next steps and any follow-up appointments or tests.

Next, we’ll create the right environment for a successful virtual visit. 

Setting Up Your Space

Redhead with airpods and green wall

For the best virtual visit experience, make sure your environment is prime and ready to go.

Choose a private area for your appointment

Select the right environment for your virtual visit is essential to minimize interruptions and maintain privacy:

  • Choosing the Right Space: Select a quiet and private room where you can close the door and you won’t be disturbed.

  • Inform Household Members: Let others in your household know about your appointment to avoid disturbances.
  • Minimize Background Noise: Close windows and doors, and turn off any noisy appliances.

  • Ensure Good Lighting:
    • Natural Light: Natural light is best so the doctor can see you clearly. Position yourself facing a window if possible.

    • Artificial Light: If not, use a lamp if natural light is not available. Avoid backlighting (light shining from behind you), which can make it hard for your doctor to see you.

Keep water, pen and paper nearby 

Taking notes during your appointment can help you remember important information. And having water nearby can be helpful in case you get warm or have to cough during the call:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water can help keep your throat clear and prevent coughing.

  • Comfort: Having water on hand can make you feel more comfortable during the call.

Log on before your appointment time

Being on time for your appointment shows respect for your doctor’s schedule. To ensure a smooth virtual check-in:

  • Check Your Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable and your device is ready.

  • Log In Early: Try to log in at least 10 minutes before your appointment time in case of  any technical issues.

OK, you’re ready! You’re logged in and seated in a quiet, well-lit room with your water, pen, medical history, prescriptions, and questions. Let’s go!

During the Virtual Visit

Doctor with teal scrubs and patient virtual meeting

Now, let’s go through what to do during your virtual doctor appointment.

Speak clearly and concisely

Clear communication is essential for a successful virtual visit (Coleman, 2020):

  • Speak Slowly: Speak slowly and clearly to ensure your doctor understands you.

  • Be Concise: Try not to ramble. Get to the point quickly to make the most of your appointment time.

  • Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about anything you need to know or don’t understand.

Show any visible symptoms to the camera 

If you have visible symptoms, such as a rash or swelling, adjust your camera angle to clearly show the affected area.

Take notes on doctor’s advice and next steps

Taking notes can help you remember important information:

  • Write Down Instructions: Note any instructions or advice from your doctor, and confirm it with them.

  • List Follow-Up Actions: Record any follow-up actions, such as scheduling tests or appointments.

Confirm how to fill your prescriptions

Multi colored pills illustration

Be sure you know how and when to get your prescriptions after a virtual visit:

  • Pharmacy Information: Make sure your doctor has the correct pharmacy information.

  • E-Prescriptions: Your doctor may send an e-prescription to your pharmacy.

Finally, let’s discuss what to do after your virtual visit.

Follow-Up Actions

Redhead writing notes with green wall

Schedule follow-up appointments and access your medical records online

Follow-up appointments are often necessary for ongoing care. Your virtual doctor visit may be shorter than an in-person visit. Before you go, don’t forget to schedule your follow-up appointment if needed, and learn how to access your records online.

  • Contact Information: Label your doctor’s contact information in your phone so it’s there when you need to call them.

  • Patient Portal: Most healthcare providers offer a patient portal where you can access your visit summary and medical records. You can also schedule follow-up appointments there as an alternative to a call.

  • Download Records: Download and save important documents for your records.


Virtual doctor visits offer a convenient way to receive medical care, and with the right preparation, are just as effective as in-person appointments. By ensuring a stable internet connection, testing your device, gathering your medical information, and setting up a suitable space, you can make the most of your telehealth visit.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and get clarification during your virtual doctor visit. Remember to communicate clearly, take notes, and follow up on any actions they recommend. With practice, you’ll find that telehealth can be a valuable tool to manage your health and wellness.

Do you prefer to use telehealth services or see your doctor in person? Why?


5 Common Misconceptions about Telehealth: What Research Has to Say. (n.d.). Solutionreach. Retrieved from

Coleman, C. (2020. Health Literacy and Clear Communication Best Practices for Telemedicine. Health Literacy Research and Practice;4(4):e224-e229. doi:10.3928/24748307-20200924-01.

Hasselfeld, B. W. (n.d.). Benefits of Telemedicine. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved from

Henderson, E. (2023). Virtual or in person: Which kind of doctor’s visit is better, and when it matters. (2023). News Medical. Retrieved from

How do virtual visits work? (2023). UnitedHealthcare. Retrieved from

Lee, C. (2023). Common Misconceptions About Working in Telemedicine. Retrieved from

Lee, E. C., Grigorescu, V. Enogieru, I., Smith, S. R. Samson, L. W., Conmy, A. B. , & De Lew, N. (2023). Updated National Survey Trends in Telehealth Utilization and Modality (2021-2022). Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE). Retrieved from

Robeznieks, A. (2023). How telehealth’s future came into clearer view in 2023. American Medical Association (AMA). Retrieved from

Stewart, C. (2024). Telemedicine – statistics and facts. Statista. Retrieved from

Telehealth: What Is It, How to Prepare, Is it Covered? (n.d.). National Institute on Aging. Retrieved from

Telehealth for rural areas. (2024). Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Retrieved from

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Care. (2022). bravo. Retrieved from

Top 10 Telemedicine Myths. (n.d.). WeHealth Retrieved from

Why use telehealth? (2024). Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Retrieved from

Zulman, D. M., & Verghese, A. (2021). Virtual Care, Telemedicine Visits, and Real Connection in the Era of COVID-19: Unforeseen Opportunity in the Face of Adversity. JAMA; 325(5), 437–438. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.27304 

How to Implement AI in Clinical Practice 

How to Implement AI in Clinical Practice 

AI Health Tech

From technical hurdles to ethical dilemmas, healthcare providers face numerous obstacles using AI in healthcare–in particular, how to implement AI in clinical practice. A 2023 survey by the American Medical Association found that 93% of doctors believe AI can improve patient care, but only 38% feel prepared to use it in their practice

In this article, we’ll delve into the obstacles and potential solutions to implementing AI in healthcare and integrating AI into an existing health system.


Challenges with Implementing AI in Healthcare

Nursing colleagues in hall

High integration costs

Implementing AI in healthcare is expensive. It takes a significant investment to buy the systems, manage data, and train staff:

  • High Initial Investment for AI Implementation: The cost of acquiring and implementing AI systems can be prohibitive for many healthcare providers. These costs include computers, data storage, and patient data security.
  • Ongoing Costs for Maintenance and Upgrades: AI systems require continuous maintenance and updates, adding to the overall cost.
  • Balancing AI Spending with Other Healthcare Priorities: Healthcare providers must balance AI investments with other critical healthcare needs.

To make a new system implementation work requires careful planning and teamwork. Help from the government and new ways to pay for it can make AI in healthcare possible (Luong, 2024).

Data quality and availability challenges

Ensuring high-quality data is crucial for effective AI implementation in healthcare. However, several challenges exist:

  • Inconsistent Data Formats Across Healthcare Systems: Different healthcare providers often use various data formats, making it difficult to integrate and analyze data efficiently (Krylov, 2024).
  • Limited Access to Large, Diverse Datasets: AI systems require vast amounts of data to learn and make accurate predictions. However, accessing such datasets can be challenging due to privacy concerns and regulatory restrictions (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2015).
  • Ensuring Data Accuracy and Completeness: Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to incorrect diagnoses and treatments, posing significant risks to patient safety (4medica, 2023).

Technical integration hurdles

Nurse charting

Integrating AI into existing healthcare IT infrastructure presents several technical challenges:

  • Compatibility Issues with Existing Healthcare IT Infrastructure: Many healthcare systems are built on legacy technologies that may not be compatible with modern AI solutions.
  • Scalability Concerns for AI Systems: AI systems need to handle large volumes of data and scale efficiently as the amount of data grows.
  • Maintenance and Updates of AI Algorithms: AI algorithms require regular updates to maintain accuracy and adapt to new medical knowledge.

How to address them

Here are some ways to overcome these challenges:

  • Developing Standardized Data Formats and APIs: Standardizing data formats and creating APIs can facilitate seamless data exchange between different systems (Krylov, 2024).
  • Implementing Cloud-Based AI Solutions: Cloud-based solutions offer scalability and flexibility, making it easier to manage and update AI systems.
  • Establishing Dedicated AI Support Teams: Having specialized teams to manage and support AI systems can ensure smooth integration and operation.

Following these guidelines will help when it comes to integrating an AI platform in a healthcare system.

Privacy and security concerns

Protecting patient data is paramount when implementing AI in healthcare. Some considerations include:

  • Protecting Patient Data in AI Systems: AI systems must be designed with robust security measures to protect sensitive patient information (Yadav et al., 2023).
  • Compliance with Healthcare Regulations: Ensuring compliance with regulations, like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the U.S., is essential to avoid legal repercussions and maintain patient trust. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) focuses on approving AI developers. Europe has made laws and data protection rules for AI use (Murdoch, 2021).
  • Managing Consent for AI Use in Patient Care: Obtaining and managing patient consent for using their data in AI systems is crucial for ethical and legal compliance.

AI and HIPAA Compliance 

security guard - credit card - shield

Balancing data use for AI with patient privacy rights is a key issue.

AI needs lots of data, more than clinical trials usually have. Some areas like eye care do well with this. However, sharing data can risk patient privacy, affecting jobs, insurance, or identity theft. It’s hard to hide patient info completely (Alonso & Siracuse, 2023).

For rare diseases, data from many places is needed. Sharing data can increase privacy risks, like identifying patients from anonymous data. Working with big companies raises concerns about data being used for profit, which can clash with fair data use (Tom et al., 2020).

AI tools that learn over time might accidentally break HIPAA rules. Doctors must understand how AI handles patient data to follow HIPAA rules. They need to know where AI gets its info and how it’s protected. Healthcare workers must use AI responsibly, get patient permission, and be open about using AI in care (Accountable HQ, 2023).

AI in healthcare needs rules that respect patient rights. We should focus on letting patients choose how their info is used. This means asking for permission often, and making it easy for patients to take back their data if they want to. 

We also need better ways to protect patient privacy. Companies holding patient data should use the best safety methods and follow standards. If laws and standards don’t keep up with fast-changing tech like AI, we’ll fall behind in protecting patients’ rights and data (Murdoch, 2021).

When using AI in clinical research, copyright problems can occur because AI uses information from many places to make content. It might use copyrighted content without knowing, causing legal issues. It’s important to make sure AI doesn’t use protected material (Das, 2024).

Scales of justice, book and scroll

We need strong laws and data standards to manage AI use, especially in the field of medicine.  Ethical and legal issues are significant barriers to using AI in healthcare, for example:

  • Addressing Bias in AI Algorithms: AI systems can inherit biases present in training data, leading to unequal treatment outcomes.
  • Establishing Liability in AI-Assisted Decisions: AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies make it hard to decide who’s responsible when things go wrong (Eldadak et al., 2024). We need clear guidelines on who is liable for errors made by AI systems–AI developers, the doctor, or the AI itself (Cestonaro et al., 2023).
  • Creating Transparency in AI Decision-Making Processes: AI systems should be transparent in their decision-making processes to build trust among clinicians and patients.

How to address them

We should think about how these technologies affect patients and what risks they should take. We need to find a balance that protects people without stopping new ideas. Ways to overcome some of these barriers include:

  • Developing AI Ethics Committees in Healthcare Institutions: Ethics committees can oversee AI implementations and ensure they adhere to ethical standards.
  • Creating Clear Guidelines for AI Use in Clinical Settings: Establishing guidelines can help standardize AI use and address ethical and legal concerns.
  • Engaging in Ongoing Dialogue with Legal and Ethical Experts: Continuous engagement with experts can help navigate the evolving ethical and legal landscape.

Scientists, colleges, healthcare organizations, and regulatory agencies should work together to create standards for naming data, sharing data, and explaining how AI works. They should also make sure AI code and tools are easy to use and share (Wang et al., 2020).

The old ways of dealing with legal problems don’t work well for AI issues. We need a new approach that involves doctors, AI makers, insurance companies, and lawyers working together (Eldadak, et al., 2024).

Resistance to change and adoption

Demo of a CPR mask

Resistance from healthcare professionals can hinder AI adoption for many reasons:

  • Overcoming Clinician Skepticism Towards AI: Educating clinicians about the benefits and limitations of AI can help reduce skepticism.
  • Addressing Fears of AI Replacing Human Roles: Emphasizing AI as a tool to add to, not replace, human roles can alleviate fears.
  • Managing the Learning Curve for New AI Tools: Providing adequate training and support can help clinicians adapt to new AI tools.

AI might not work well with new data in hospitals, which could harm patients. There are many issues with using AI in medicine. These include lack of proof it’s better than old methods, and concerns about who’s at fault for mistakes (Guarda, 2019).

Training and education gaps

Nursing colleagues in hall

Lack of AI literacy among healthcare professionals is a significant barrier:

  • Lack of AI Literacy Among Healthcare Professionals: Many clinicians lack the knowledge and skills to effectively use AI tools.
  • Limited AI-Focused Curricula in Medical Education: Medical schools often do not include comprehensive AI training in their curricula.
  • Keeping Pace with Rapidly Evolving AI Technologies: Continuous education is necessary to keep up with the fast-paced advancements in AI.

How to address them

We can bridge the knowledge gap:

  • Integrating AI Training into Medical School Curricula: Incorporating AI education into medical training can prepare future clinicians for AI integration.
  • Offering Continuous Education Programs for Practicing Clinicians: Regular training programs can help practicing clinicians stay updated on AI advancements.
  • Developing User-Friendly AI Interfaces for Clinical Use: Designing intuitive AI tools can make it easier for clinicians to adopt and use them effectively.

Doctor-patient knowledge sharing

Healthcare providers need to understand AI to explain it to patients. They don’t need to be experts, but according to Cascella (n.d.), they should know enough to:

  1. Explain how AI works in simple terms.
  2. Share their experience using AI.
  3. Compare AI’s risks and benefits to human care.
  4. Describe how humans and AI work together.
  5. Explain safety measures, like double-checking AI results.
  6. Discuss how patient information is kept private.

Doctors should take time to explain these things to patients and answer questions. This helps patients make good choices about their care. After talking, doctors should write down what they discussed in the patient’s records and keep any permission forms.

By doing this, doctors make sure patients understand and agree to AI use in their care. Patients should understand how AI might affect their treatment and privacy.

How to Implement AI Platforms in Healthcare

Here are the technical steps that Tateeda (2024) recommends to implement the technical aspects of AI into an existing healthcare system:

  1. Prepare the data: Collect health info like patient records and medical images. Clean it up, remove names, and store it safely following data privacy standards.
  1. Choose your AI model: Choose where AI can help, like disease diagnosis or patient monitoring. Select AI that fits these jobs, like special programs for looking at images or predicting health risks.
  1. Train the AI model: Teach the AI using lots of quality health data. Work with doctors to make sure the AI learns the right things.
  1. Set up and test the model: Integrate AI into the current health system(s). Check it works well by testing it a lot and asking doctors what they think.
  1. Use and monitor: Start using AI in hospitals. Make sure it works within the processes doctors are accustomed to. Keep an eye on how it’s doing and get feedback to continue making it better.


To implement AI in clinical practice with success, we must address data quality, technical integration, privacy, ethics, and education, challenges. Healthcare providers can pave the way for successful AI adoption in clinical practice–the key lies in a multifaceted approach to: 

  • Invest in robust IT infrastructure
  • Foster a culture of continuous learning
  • Maintain open dialogue among all stakeholders. 

As we navigate these hurdles, the healthcare industry moves closer to a future where AI seamlessly enhances clinical practice, ultimately leading to better outcomes for patients and more efficient systems for providers.


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Cascella, L. M. (n.d.). Artificial Intelligence and Informed Consent. MedPro Group. Retrieved from

Cestonaro, C., Delicati, A., Marcante, B., Caenazzo, L., & Tozzo, P. (2023). Defining medical liability when artificial intelligence is applied on diagnostic algorithms: A systematic review. Frontiers in Medicine, 10.

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Guarda, P. (2019.) ‘Ok Google, am I sick?’: artificial intelligence, e-health, and data protection regulation. BioLaw Journal (Rivista di BioDiritto) (1):359–75.

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Luong, K. (2024). Challenges of AI Integration in Healthcare. Ominext. Retrieved from

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Yadav, N., Pandey, S., Gupta, A., Dudani, P., Gupta, S., & Rangarajan, K. (2023). Data Privacy in Healthcare: In the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Indian Dermatology Online Journal, 14(6), 788-792.