NLP in Healthcare: Streamlining Documentation and Medical Research

NLP in Healthcare: Streamlining Documentation and Medical Research

AI Health Tech Med Tech

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a key component in my series on AI in healthcare. By enabling machines to understand and interpret human language, NLP in healthcare is driving significant improvements in patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency. The market for NLP in healthcare shows similar growth of 18% annually (Research and Markets, 2024).

This article explores various NLP applications in healthcare.


Understanding NLP Applications in Healthcare

nurse with clipboards

NLP is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) focused on the interaction between computers and human language. It involves several core components and techniques:

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR): Changing written or printed text into digital text.
  • Tokenization: Breaking text into smaller parts like words or sentences.
  • Text Classification: Categorizing text into predefined groups.
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): Identifying and classifying entities in text, such as names, dates, and medical terms.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Determining the emotional tone of text.
  • Topic Modeling: Discovering abstract topics within a collection of documents.

NLP’s journey in healthcare began with simple text analysis. It has evolved into a sophisticated tool for clinical documentation, patient data analysis, and medical research.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) 

OCR recognizes text in documents and changes it to digital form for further processing. OCR can extract text in various formats, including digital images, presentations, and scans of printed or handwritten notes, logs, and other documents (Intellias, 2024).

OCR solutions can be especially useful in healthcare applications to preprocess documents generated for medical procedures, like prescriptions, doctors’ notes, test results, and CAT scans. 

When digitized, these artifacts become part of an electronic health record (EHR), which makes them more complete and easier to use.


NLP breaks text into smaller parts called tokens, which can be words or sentences. This process, called tokenization, helps computers understand and analyze text better. It makes it easier for NLP programs to find patterns and important information in the text (Intellias, 2024).

Text Classification 

Text classification uses NLP to sort texts into categories. It involves two steps:

  1. Turning text into numbers (embedding)
  2. Using these numbers to predict the category

Which method to use depends on factors like data size and need for interpretability. Interpretable models like linear regression and decision trees can show which parts of the text were most important for the classification. (Rijcken, et al., 2022).

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

NER finds and labels important information in text, like names, locations, dates, diagnoses, and medicine names from medical records. This helps create more useful EHRs.

In a study conducted in Colombia, researchers reviewed NER techniques from 2011 to 2022, focusing on classification models, tagging systems, and languages used. The study highlights the importance of NER and relation extraction (RE) in automatically gleaning concepts, events, and relationships from EHRs. However, there’s a lack of research on NER and RE tasks in specific clinical domains. While EHRs are crucial for clinical information gathering, creating new collections of machine-readable texts in specific clinical areas is necessary to develop NER and RE models for practical clinical use (Durango et al., 2023).

Sentiment Analysis 

Doctor shows table to senior in blue shirt

Sentiment analysis is a way to understand how people feel about something by looking at what they say or write. It uses a mix of NLP, machine learning, and statistics programs to figure out if opinions are positive, negative, or neutral. It can even detect emotions like happiness or anger.

One way to use sentiment analysis in healthcare is with patient surveys. By analyzing the responses, hospitals and clinicians can see what they’re doing well and what needs improvement. When healthcare providers make changes based on what truly matters to patients, they improve patient care quality, and stay ahead of their competitors. 

Topic Modeling

Clinicians can use a patient’s EHR to predict health outcomes, and make better decisions based on patient records. Using topic models can help make these predictions clearer, but choosing the right model is tricky. 

Machine learning has many uses in healthcare, but clinicians need a better understanding of how it works. One way to make it clearer is by using topic modeling. Topic modeling can group patient notes into topics, making it easier to see patterns. It can also help classify text and make predictions about patient health by finding common themes in patient notes. 

Many researchers have used a method called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic modeling, but there are other options too. The challenge is picking the right method. It needs to be both accurate in its predictions and easy for doctors to understand. If it’s not accurate or not understandable, it’s not very useful. There’s not much research that looks at both how well these models predict and how easily they can be understood (Rijcken, et al., 2022).

With a foundational understanding of NLP components, let’s explore how these technologies impact clinical documentation.

Enhancing Clinical Documentation with NLP

overhead view of a doctor typing

NLP can process information in a patient’s EHR. This allows health systems to classify patients and summarize conditions quickly in clinical documentation, saving clinicians time when reviewing complex records and finding critical insights.

Accurate and efficient clinical documentation is crucial for patient care. NLP enhances this process in several ways:

  • Automated Data Extraction: NLP can extract relevant information from unstructured text, such as clinical notes, and convert it into structured data.
  • Reduction of Documentation Errors: By automating data entry, NLP minimizes human errors.
  • Time-Saving Benefits: Healthcare providers can save significant time, allowing them to focus more on patient care.

Speech recognition is another application of NLP. Voice recognition software can transcribe clinical notes in an EHR. The clinician can review the updated patient chart on the screen in an instant (IMO Health).

Beyond documentation, NLP’s capabilities extend to extracting valuable insights from patient data and predicting health outcomes.

NLP for Patient Data Insights and Predictive Analytics

NLP processes and analyzes large volumes of patient data, uncovering valuable insights:

  • Early Disease Detection: NLP can analyze patient records to identify early signs of diseases (predictive analytics). This extra layer of monitoring can help doctors catch and address problems early (Alldus, 2022).
  • Population Health Management: By analyzing health trends, NLP can help manage the health of populations.
  • Personalized Treatment Recommendations: NLP provides tailored treatment plans based on individual patient data.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Privacy concerns and data security measures are paramount when dealing with sensitive patient information. Healthcare providers must ensure that NLP systems comply with data protection regulations.

We’ve seen how NLP enhances data analysis, so let’s examine its role in medical imaging and treatment planning.

Advancing Medical Imaging, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning

MRI machine with multiple scans on the side

NLP helps in medical imaging by analyzing radiology reports and identifying specific health issues. It can also gather and label images from medical storage systems. This technology helps doctors better understand patient conditions and supports healthcare organizations as they grow and improve their services (Shafii, 2023).

NLP plays a pivotal role in supporting medical diagnosis and optimizing treatment plans:

  • Symptom and History Analysis: NLP analyzes symptoms and medical histories to support diagnostic decisions.
  • Integration with AI: Combining NLP with other AI technologies enhances diagnostic accuracy.
  • Treatment Plan Optimization: NLP analyzes treatment outcomes across large patient populations to identify the most effective treatments and potential drug interactions.

For instance, an NLP system helped a clinic improve diagnostic accuracy for rare diseases by 20%, demonstrating its potential in clinical practice.

While NLP can significantly improve patient care, its influence extends to the broader field of medical research and literature analysis.

NLP in Medical Research and Literature Analysis

Black female doctor typing

NLP is invaluable in processing and analyzing medical literature:

NLP helps healthcare organizations handle large amounts of medical information. It uses AI to read and summarize research papers, clinical trials, and case studies. This technology can find important points and patterns in medical literature, making it easier for healthcare providers to stay up-to-date and provide better care (Shafii, 2024).

By accelerating the analysis of medical literature, NLP has the potential to fast-track medical discoveries and innovations.

Ultimately, the goal of NLP in healthcare is to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. Let’s explore how.

Improving Patient Experiences: Patient Care: NLP’s Impact on Healthcare Satisfaction 

Family checking in for appointment at the desk

Natural Language Processing (NLP) significantly enhances patient care and satisfaction in several ways (Ariwala, 2024).

Improved Patient-Provider Interactions

NLP bridges the gap between complex medical terminology and patients’ understanding. It simplifies medical jargon, making health information more accessible to patients. This improved communication leads to better patient comprehension of their health status and treatment plans.

Enhanced Electronic Health Record (EHR) Usage

NLP offers an alternative to typing or handwriting notes, reducing EHR-related stress for clinicians. This allows healthcare providers to spend more time interacting with patients and less time on documentation, improving the overall care experience.

Increased Patient Health Awareness

By translating complex medical data into more understandable language, NLP empowers patients to make informed decisions about their health. This increased understanding can lead to better patient engagement and compliance with treatment plans.

Improved Care Quality

NLP tools help healthcare organizations evaluate and improve care quality. They can measure physician performance, identify gaps in care delivery, and flag potential errors. This leads to more consistent, high-quality care across the board.

Critical Care Identification

NLP algorithms can analyze large datasets to identify patients with complex or critical care needs. This enables healthcare providers to prioritize and tailor care for high-risk patients, potentially improving outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Efficient Information Extraction

By quickly extracting and summarizing relevant information from medical records, NLP saves time for healthcare providers. This efficiency allows for more thorough patient assessments and personalized care plans.

Overall, NLP technology in healthcare results in improved patient outcomes, increased satisfaction, and a more positive healthcare experience for both patients and providers.

Despite the numerous benefits of NLP in healthcare, there are still challenges to overcome as well as exciting future directions.

The Road Ahead: Overcoming Barriers with NLP for Healthcare Providers

Doctor smiling and using Mac

Despite its benefits, NLP in healthcare faces several challenges:

  • Data Quality and Standardization: Inconsistent data quality can hinder NLP effectiveness.
  • Multilingual NLP: Developing NLP systems that can process multiple languages is crucial for global healthcare.
  • Real-Time Analysis: Real-time NLP analysis in clinical settings is still in its infancy but holds great promise.
  • Mistrust and Slow Adoption: Clinicians hesitate to use NLP for documentation due to concerns about accuracy and potential errors, despite its time-saving benefits (IMO Health).

Ethical considerations, such as ensuring unbiased algorithms and responsible AI development, are also critical. As NLP technology evolves, its integration with other AI technologies will open new possibilities for patient care.

To address concerns, look to frameworks like the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI or the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights. These frameworks offer design principles for trustworthy AI (Rebitzer & Rebitzer, 2023). 

In the future, NLP will likely change many areas of healthcare, from finding new medicines to helping patients recover. It might completely change how doctors and nurses do their jobs. The Global NLP in Healthcare and Life Sciences market is expected to reach $3.7 Billion by 2025 (Alldus, 2022). 


NLP is transforming healthcare by enhancing clinical documentation, analyzing patient data, supporting medical diagnosis, and advancing medical research. As NLP technologies continue to evolve, their impact on patient care will only grow. 

Overall, NLP technology in healthcare leads to more informed patients, more efficient providers, and a healthcare system better equipped to deliver high-quality, personalized care. 


Alldus. (2022). 5 Applications of NLP in Healthcare. Retrieved from 

Ariwala, P. (2024). Top 14 Use Cases of Natural Language Processing in Healthcare. Maruti Techlabs. Retrieved from

Artera. (2021). The Importance of Sentiment Analysis In Healthcare. Retrieved from

Durango, M.C., Torres-Silva, E. A., & Orozco-Duque, A. (2023). Named Entity Recognition in Electronic Health Records: A Methodological Review. Healthcare Informatics Research, 29(4):286-300. doi: 10.4258/hir.2023.29.4.286

Intellias. (2024). Leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare. Retrieved from

Natural Language Processing 101: A guide to NLP in clinical documentation. (n.d.) IMO Health. Retrieved from

Rebitzer, J.B., & Rebitzer R.S. (2023). AI Adoption in U.S. Health Care Won’t Be Easy. Harvard Busieness Review. Retrieved from

Research and Markets. (2024). Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare and Life Sciences – Global Strategic Business Report. Retrieved from

Rijcken, E., Kaymak, U., Scheepers, F., Mosteiro, P., Zervanou, K. & Spruit, M. (2022). Topic Modeling for Interpretable Text Classification From EHRs. Frontiers in Big Data 5:846930. doi: 10.3389/fdata.2022.846930 

Shafii, K. (2023). Natural Language Processing in Healthcare Explained. Consensus Cloud Solutions. Retrieved from