How Health Apps Promote Preventive Care and Early Disease Detection

How Health Apps Promote Preventive Care and Early Disease Detection

AI Health Tech

Health apps have become powerful tools for preventive care and early disease detection. From tracking daily habits to advanced symptom checkers, these apps have made it much easier to manage our health, putting vital information and monitoring capabilities right at our fingertips. 

Let’s see how these innovative health apps promote preventive care, empowering users to take proactive steps towards better health outcomes.


Preventive Care and App Usage

Preventive Care sign and stethoscope

Health apps play a crucial role in preventive care by empowering people to take a proactive approach to manage their health. They include features to monitor vital signs, track fitness goals, and assess disease risks–all from the convenience of a smartphone.

Before we discuss how health apps promote preventive care, let’s define and review that concept.

What is preventive care?

Preventive care refers to routine healthcare services aimed at preventing illnesses and detecting health issues before they become serious. This includes regular check-ups, vaccinations, screenings, and lifestyle counseling. 

Focusing on prevention can help people stay healthier, save money, and catch issues early when they’re more treatable. Preventing diseases is often easier and more cost-effective than treating them. 

Growth of health app market in recent years

The health app market isn’t just growing; it’s booming. With over 300,000 health apps available and about 200 new ones released daily, we have a vast array of options available anytime. 

As of 2023, there’s been over 200 million diet and nutrition app downloads, and 20% of Americans use wearable devices integrated with health and fitness apps. This growth is driven by increasing smartphone usage, rising awareness about health and fitness, and the convenience these apps offer.

The health app market has seen explosive growth in recent years. In fact, the global mHealth apps market size was estimated at USD 32.42 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.9% from 2024 to 2030

This surge reflects a big shift in healthcare from reactive treatment to proactive prevention.

Key features of successful preventive care apps

What makes a preventive care app successful? The most effective apps share some common features:

  • User-friendly interfaces

  • Personalized health recommendations

  • Integration with wearable devices

  • Data visualization tools

  • Social sharing capabilities

  • Regular updates based on the latest health guidelines

These features help users stay engaged and motivated in their health journey.

Woman with headphones stretching before a run outside
Source: Styled Stock Society

Who’s using these apps? While health apps appeal to a broad audience, certain demographic trends are emerging. 

A study found that 84 million people in the U.S. used healthcare apps to monitor their health-related activities in 2022. Millennials and Gen Z lead the charge in health app adoption, with a particular focus on fitness and mental health apps.

Apps for Health Monitoring and Tracking

As health apps continue to grow in popularity, let’s explore some of the most popular categories and how they’re helping users monitor their health.

Apps to track vital signs 

Purple pulse oximeter and mask

Vital sign tracking apps have become increasingly sophisticated. Many can now measure heart rate, blood pressure, and even blood oxygen levels using just a smartphone camera or with wearable devices. 

For example, the Cardiio app uses a smartphone camera to measure heart rate with 97% accuracy compared to clinical pulse oximeters.

Apps to monitor sleep patterns and quality

Older woman asleep wearing smartwatch next to cell phone

Poor sleep can increase your risk of various health issues. 

Sleep tracking apps help users understand their sleep patterns and quality. Apps like Sleep Cycle use your phone’s microphone and accelerometer to analyze your sleep stages and wake you up during your lightest sleep phase.

Apps for nutrition and diet tracking 

Measuring tape with grapes apples phone

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for preventive care. Nutrition apps like MyFitnessPal allow users to log their food intake, track calories, and monitor nutrient balance. These apps often include extensive food databases and barcode scanners for easy logging.

Physical activity and fitness monitoring

Fitness apps have come a long way from simple step counters. Apps like Strava or Nike Run Club can track various activities, provide workout plans, and even offer virtual coaching. Many integrate with wearable devices for more accurate data collection.

Man with sarcopenia and a cane

One study of older adults found that the Sit to Stand app can detect older adults with both frailty/pre-frailty and sarcopenia (Montemurro et al., 2024). The app was very accurate, with an 80-92% success rate. People the app identified with both frailty and sarcopenia were more likely to have other health problems like falls, hospitalization, depression, and low income. 

Early Detection: Symptom Checkers and Risk Assessment Apps

One of the most exciting developments in health apps is their potential for early disease detection. Let’s look at how these apps are helping users identify potential health issues early.

Symptom checker apps like Ada or WebMD Symptom Checker allow users to input their symptoms and receive potential diagnoses. While these apps shouldn’t replace professional medical advice, they can help users decide whether to seek medical attention. 

A study of 22 symptom checker apps had low average diagnostic accuracy rates, highlighting the need for continued improvement in this area (Schmieding et al., 2022).

Risk assessment tools for common diseases

Many apps now offer risk assessment tools for common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or certain cancers. These tools typically use questionnaires about lifestyle factors, family history, and sometimes integrate data from other health tracking features to provide a personalized risk assessment.

Elderly woman with pills and a walker

A UK study by Reid et al. (2024) looked at how well older adults could use a digital test for dementia risk and brain function. The test was easy for participants to complete. 

Age affected all brain tests, while gender and education only impacted verbal skills. Women and those with more education did better on word-related tasks. Age was linked to lower scores on all tests, which matches what we know about aging and brain health, and could help spot early signs of brain decline.

AI-powered apps for skin cancer detection

Skin cancer detection apps are a prime example of how AI is enhancing early detection capabilities. 

Man examining a skin lesion on his arm

Apps like SkinVision use machine learning algorithms to analyze photos of skin lesions and provide a risk assessment. A study found that SkinVision had a 95.1% sensitivity in detecting malignant skin lesions (Smak Gregoor et al., 2023).

Mental health screening and mood tracking applications

Mental health apps are playing an increasingly important role in early detection of mental health issues. Apps like Moodfit or Daylio allow users to track their mood over time, potentially identifying patterns that could indicate underlying mental health concerns.

Integrating Health Apps with Healthcare Systems

The real power of health apps lies in their ability to integrate with broader healthcare systems. This integration is transforming how we interact with healthcare providers and manage our health data.

Apps that connect users with healthcare providers

Telehealth apps like Teladoc or Doctor On Demand allow users to consult with healthcare providers remotely. These apps have become particularly valuable during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing safe access to medical advice.

Electronic health record integration capabilities

Some health apps can now integrate with electronic health records (EHRs), allowing for seamless sharing of health data between patients and healthcare providers. This integration can lead to more informed medical decisions and better continuity of care.

Telehealth features in preventive care apps

Many preventive care apps now include telehealth features, allowing users to share their health data directly with healthcare providers and receive personalized advice. This integration of tracking and consultation features creates a more comprehensive health management experience.

Data sharing and privacy considerations

With the increasing amount of health data being collected and shared, privacy concerns are paramount. 

Health apps must comply with regulations like HIPAA to protect user data. Users should always review an app’s privacy policy and understand how their data will be used and protected.


Health apps for preventive care and early detection are more than just trendy tools–they’re becoming essential allies in our quest for better health. Putting the power of prevention in our pockets, these apps can help users spot potential issues early, track important health metrics, and make informed decisions about their well-being. 

While health apps are valuable, they should complement professional medical advice–not replace it. Don’t wait for a health problem to arise. Start exploring these apps, and take the first step towards a healthier, more proactive lifestyle.


8 Types of Preventive Care to Ensure Health Life for Seniors. (2022). EliteCare Health Centers. Retrieved from

Deb, T. (2024). Diet and Nutrition Apps Statistics 2024 By Tracking, Health and Wellness. Media. Retrieved from

Deb, T. (2024). Home Gyms in Your Pocket: The Fitness App Market is on Fire, Reaching USD 4.9 Billion in 2023. Media. Retrieved from

Grand View Research. (2023). mHealth Apps Market Size, Share & Growth Report, 2030. Retrieved from

Gupta, I. (2024). Trends in Telemedicine App Development 2024. iMark Infotech. Retrieved from

Jayani, P. (n.d.). The Ultimate Guide to EHR Integration for Mobile Health Apps. Blue Whale Apps. Retrieved from

mHealth Apps Market Size | share and Trends 2024 to 2034. (2024). Precedence Research. Retrieved from

Montemurro, A., Rodríguez-Juan, J. J., Martínez-García, M., & Ruiz-Cárdenas, J. D. (2024). Validity of a video-analysis-based app to detect prefrailty or frailty plus sarcopenia syndromes in community-dwelling older adults: Diagnostic accuracy study. DIGITAL HEALTH.

Reid, G., Vassilev, P., Irving, J., Ojakäär, T., Jacobson, L., Lawrence, E. G., Barnett, J. Tapparel, M., & Koychev, I. (2024). The usability and reliability of a smartphone application for monitoring future dementia risk in ageing UK adults. The British Journal of Psychiatry; 224(6):245-251. doi:10.1192/bjp.2024.18

Schmieding, M., Kopka, M., Schmidt, K., Schulz-Niethammer, S., Balzer, F., Feufel, M. (2022).

Triage Accuracy of Symptom Checker Apps: 5-Year Follow-up Evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research; 24(5):e31810,

Smak Gregoor, A. M., Sangers, T. E., Bakker, L. J., Hollestein, L., A., C., Nijsten, T., & Wakkee, M. (2023). An artificial intelligence based app for skin cancer detection evaluated in a population based setting. Npj Digital Medicine, 6(1), 1-8.

What is Preventive Care? (2018). ConnectiCare. Retrieved from

Chronic Pain Management Apps: The Best Digital Health Tools for Relief

Chronic Pain Management Apps: The Best Digital Health Tools for Relief

AI Health Tech Med Tech

Living with chronic pain can be a daily struggle, affecting millions of people worldwide. According to the CDC, an estimated 20.9% of U.S. adults experienced chronic pain in 2021. Fortunately, technology has stepped in to offer innovative solutions, like chronic pain management apps.

These digital assistants are powerful, accessible tools to help pain sufferers track symptoms, manage medications, and find relief. In this article, we’ll discuss chronic pain management apps in detail, outlining the ways they can help improve quality of life for those who experience chronic pain.


Overview of chronic pain management

First, let’s take a look at the various digital tools available to help manage chronic pain.

Woman wearing a VR headset in a coworking space

Types of digital tools for chronic pain

Many digital tools on the market can help assess and treat chronic pain, and improve how patients access and engage with their care (Rejula et al., 2021):

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is being used more in healthcare, including for diagnosing and managing treatments. For chronic pain, AI can use data like breathing rate, oxygen levels, and heart rate to estimate pain levels and changes.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM): Tools like smartphone apps, sensors, and wearable devices can help doctors collect and track patient symptoms between appointments. 
  • Digital therapy: These are devices and methods that give patients frequent advice to improve their behaviors and habits. Most of these use an approach called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
  • Virtual patient engagement: Digital communication tools can help patients be more involved in their care, no matter where they are.

Definition of chronic pain management apps

Senior woman with leg pain in chair

Chronic pain management apps are mobile applications that help people with chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer, and fibromyalgia track and control their pain. They serve as a digital companion, offering features like pain diaries, medication reminders, and educational resources. The main goal is to empower users to take control of their pain management, providing insights that can lead to better health outcomes.

How they’re different from general health apps

While general health apps focus on overall wellness, chronic pain management apps are tailored to address specific pain-related issues. They offer specialized tools like pain mapping and flare-up prediction, which are not typically found in standard health apps.

Key features and functions

Timed pill box

Chronic pain management apps come packed with features to make pain management easier:

  • Pain tracking: Users can log pain episodes, noting intensity, location, and triggers. This helps in identifying patterns and potential triggers.

  • Medication management: Apps often include reminders to take medication, ensuring adherence to prescribed treatments.

  • Educational resources: Many apps offer information on pain management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and guided meditation.

  • Integration with wearables: Some apps sync with wearable devices to provide real-time data on physical activity and sleep patterns.

Benefits of using digital tools for pain management

Why should you consider using these apps? Here are some benefits:

  • Improved self-management: By tracking pain and related factors, users gain insights into their condition, leading to better management.

  • Better communication: Sharing app data with doctors can lead to more informed treatment decisions.

  • Convenience: Having a digital tool at your fingertips means you can manage your pain anytime, anywhere.

Top Features of Effective Pain Management Apps

When choosing a pain management app, certain features can make a big difference in how well it works. Let’s explore what to look for.

Elderly hands on smartwatch

Pain tracking 

Effective apps allow users to log pain episodes in detail. This includes noting the intensity, duration, and location of pain, as well as potential triggers. A study found that detailed pain tracking can help users identify patterns and adjust their management strategies accordingly (Zhao et al., 2019).

Medication reminders and management

Medication adherence is crucial in pain management. Apps with reminder features ensure users take their medication on time, reducing the risk of missed doses and improving overall treatment effectiveness.

Customizable pain scales and body maps

Customizable features allow users to personalize their pain assessment. This means they can adjust pain scales to better reflect their experiences and use body maps to pinpoint pain locations accurately.

Integration with wearable devices 

Integration with wearables provides real-time data on various health metrics, such as heart rate and activity levels. This data can offer insights into how lifestyle factors affect pain, allowing for more informed management decisions.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular chronic pain management apps available today. These apps offer various features to help users track, manage, and understand their pain better.

Note: Prices listed in this section are accurate as of August 2024. Visit the app’s website to confirm their current pricing.

1. Pathways Pain Relief

Pathways app
Source: Pathways

Pathways Pain Relief is a web-based app created by chronic pain sufferers and pain specialists at Pathway. It aims to help users manage their pain through mind-body therapies and comprehensive pain education.

Key Features:

  • Mind-body pain therapy program

  • Meditation and mindfulness exercises

  • Physical therapy area

  • Pain and wellbeing tracking
Comprehensive approach to pain managementWeb-based only (no mobile app)
Created by pain sufferers and specialistsRequires internet connection
High user rating (4.6/5)

Cost: $79 (flat fee).

Use case

A chronic pain patient looking for a holistic approach to pain management, combining physical therapy, mindfulness, and pain education.

To learn more, visit:

2. Curable

Curable app
Source: Curable

Curable is available on iOS, Android, and web platforms. It was founded by three individuals who recovered from chronic pain and now aim to help others access similar treatments.

Key Features:

  • Mind-body pain therapy program

  • Meditation and mindfulness area

  • Chatbot for personalized guidance
Available on multiple platformsLower user rating compared to some competitors (4.2/5)
Personalized guidance through chat bot
Founded by chronic pain recovery stories

Cost: $11.99 per month.

Use case

Someone interested in exploring mind-body connections in pain management, with a preference for guided, personalized experiences.

To learn more, visit:

3. Manage My Pain

Manage My Pain app
Source: Managing Life

Manage My Pain, an app created by Managing Life, is available on iOS, Android, and web platforms. It focuses on detailed pain tracking and analysis to help users understand their pain patterns.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive tracking of pain and well-being

  • Export statistics for healthcare providers

  • Easy-to-read charts and graphs
Detailed pain tracking capabilitiesMay be overwhelming for users seeking simpler solutions
Shareable reports for healthcare providers
High user rating (4.4/5)

Cost: $4.99 per month for reports and educational content.

Use case

A patient who wants to keep detailed records of their pain experiences to share with their healthcare team and identify patterns over time.

To learn more, visit:

4. Migraine Buddy

Migraine Buddy app
Source: Migraine Buddy

Migraine Buddy, developed by Aptar Digital Health, is specifically designed for migraine sufferers. Available on iOS and Android, it helps users track and manage their headache and migraine symptoms.

Feedback on Migraine Buddy says the app is great for people with migraines (Gamwell et al, 2021). It lets users share info with doctors, track what causes their migraines, and what helps relieve them. It can also calculate how much migraines affect a person’s daily life. 

Key Features:

  • Migraine tracking and analysis

  • Community support features

  • Educational resources on migraines
Specialized for migraine sufferersNot suitable for other types of chronic pain
Strong community support
Very high user rating (4.6/5)

Cost: $0 for MigraineBuddy; $12.99 per month or $89.99 per year for MBplus.

Use case

A migraine sufferer looking to track their symptoms, identify triggers, and connect with others who have similar experiences.

To learn more, visit:

5. CareClinic

CareClinic app
Source: CareClinic

CareClinic is available on iOS and Android. It offers a comprehensive approach to symptom tracking and treatment planning.

Key Features:

  • Symptom and treatment goal tracking

  • Daily habit monitoring

  • Medication and appointment reminders
Comprehensive tracking of symptoms and treatmentsMay require significant time investment for data entry
Goal-setting features
High user rating (4.6/5)

Cost: Free; they also have monthly and annual plans for premium features.

Use case

A patient managing multiple chronic conditions who needs to track various symptoms, medications, and treatments in one place.

To learn more, visit:

6. PainScale

PainScale app

Boston Scientific Corporation created PainScale, a highly-rated pain management app with a range of features for tracking and managing chronic pain, and educational articles. It’s available on iOS, Android, and the web. 

Gamwell et al (2021) noted that PainScale includes the very helpful techniques for managing pain, and is easy to use for various types of chronic pain. It has a daily diary where users can track their symptoms, triggers, and medications, and can be share this info with doctors. 

Key Features:

  • Pain tracking and analysis

  • Personalized pain management plans

  • Educational resources
Comprehensive pain management featuresLimited information available about cons
Personalized approach
High quality score in research studies

Cost: Free

Use case

A chronic pain patient looking for a well-rounded app that combines tracking, personalized plans, and education.

To learn more, visit:

How to Choose the Right Pain Management App

Selecting the right app can be overwhelming. With so many options available, how do you pick the right app for your needs? Here’s how to make an informed choice.

Woman holding her temples

Assess your specific needs and pain conditions

Start by evaluating your specific pain conditions. Are you dealing with neuropathic pain, or is it more related to a chronic condition? Choose an app that offers features tailored to your needs.

Consider ease of use

An app should be easy to navigate. Look for a user-friendly interface that allows you to access features quickly and efficiently.

Review data privacy and security features

Data privacy is crucial. Ensure the app complies with relevant data protection regulations and offers secure data storage.

Check compatibility with other devices

Make sure the app is compatible with your smartphone, tablet, or wearable devices. Compatibility ensures seamless integration and use.

When comparing these apps, consider what features are most important to you. Do you prefer detailed tracking, or is community support more valuable? Each app offers unique benefits, so choose one that aligns with your needs. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider about incorporating these tools into your overall pain management plan.

Integrating Apps into Your Pain Management Plan

Once you’ve chosen an app, the next step is to make it a regular part of your pain management routine.

Man holding his knee in pain

Work with healthcare providers to use app data effectively

Share app data with your healthcare provider. This collaboration can lead to more informed treatment decisions and better pain management outcomes.

Combine app use with other pain management strategies

Apps should complement, not replace, other pain management strategies. Combine app use with physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes for optimal results.

Set realistic expectations for app benefits

Understand that while apps are helpful tools, they are not a cure-all. Set realistic expectations for what an app can achieve in managing your pain.

Tips for consistent app usage and data logging

Consistency is key. Regularly update the app with accurate information to track your progress and adjust your management strategies as needed.


Chronic pain management apps offer a ray of hope for those grappling with persistent pain. These digital tools empower users to take an active role in their pain management, providing valuable insights and support. However, these apps shouldn’t replace professional medical advice. 

By choosing the right app and integrating it into your overall pain management strategy, you can gain a better understanding of your condition and find more effective ways to cope. Embrace these technological advancements and take the first step towards a more manageable pain experience.


FDA Authorizes Marketing of Virtual Reality System for Chronic Pain Reduction. (2021). U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration. Retrieved from

Gamwell, K. L., Kollin, S. R., Gibler, R. C., Bedree, H., Bieniak, K. H., Jagpal, A., Tran, S. T., Hommel, K. A., & Ramsey, R. R. (2021). Systematic evaluation of commercially available pain management apps examining behavior change techniques. Pain; 162(3), 856.

Orlovich Pain MD. (n.d.). The Power of Pain Management Apps: A New Frontier in Chronic Pain Relief. Retrieved from 

Rejula, V., Anitha, J., Belfin, R. V., & Peter, J. D. (2021). Chronic Pain Treatment and Digital Health Era-An Opinion. Frontiers in Public Health; 9, 779328.

Rikard, S. M., Stahan, A. E., Schmit, K. M., & Guy Jr., G. P. (2023). Chronic Pain Amonf Adults – United States, 2019-2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:379–385. Retrieved from

Zhao, P., Yoo, I., Lancey, R., & Varghese, E. (2019). Mobile applications for pain management: An app analysis for clinical usage. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making; 19.

How to Set Up a Home Health Monitoring Station: The Ultimate Guide

How to Set Up a Home Health Monitoring Station: The Ultimate Guide

Health Tech Med Tech

Home health monitoring wearables to track blood pressure, heart rate and sleep are popular.  A 2022 AnalyticsIQ study of 8,000 Americans showed that we’ve doubled our use of wearable health devices between 2020 and 2021. Almost half of the respondents used at least one type of wearable tech, and Black, Latinx, male, and Gen X respondents used it the most.

This surge in popularity is no surprise, as home health monitoring empowers people to take control of their well-being from the comfort of their own homes. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essentials of setting up a home health monitoring system. 


Let’s start with the fundamentals.

Home Health Monitoring Basics

Definition of home health monitoring

Home health monitoring uses technology to track and manage health conditions at home or on the go. 

Home health monitoring systems let you monitor various health metrics and share the data with healthcare providers remotely. It includes connected health devices and apps to collect, analyze, and transmit health data, facilitating continuous health management without frequent in-office visits (Story, 2010).

Source:, Ahmed & Kannan, 2022.

Key benefits of monitoring health at home

Home health monitoring offers numerous advantages:

  • Increased Health Awareness: People become more aware of their health status, making informed decisions about diet, lifestyle, and treatment options.

  • Reduced Physical Consultations: Minimizes the need for in-person visits, which can be beneficial for people with mobility issues or those living in remote areas.

  • Real-Time Intervention: Allows for prompt medical interventions based on real-time data, to prevent potential complications.

  • Cost Savings: Reduces healthcare costs by decreasing hospital admissions and emergency room visits.

  • Improved Chronic Disease Management: Enhances the management of chronic conditions through continuous monitoring and timely adjustments to treatment plans.

Trackable health metrics 

Heart illustration for ECG monitor

Home health monitoring can track a wide range of health metrics, including:

  • Vital Signs: Heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.

  • Biometric Data: Blood glucose levels, blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), and body composition.

  • Activity Levels: Steps taken, calories burned, and sleep patterns.

  • Symptoms: Tracking symptoms related to chronic conditions or acute illnesses.

Medical and tech devices for home health monitoring

Several technologies and devices are available for home health monitoring (Dusun, 2024):

  • Smart Scales: Measure weight and body composition.

  • Blood Pressure Monitors: Track blood pressure levels.

  • Glucose Meters: Monitor blood glucose levels for diabetes management.

  • Pulse Oximeters: Measure blood oxygen saturation.

  • Wearable Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches: Monitor physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns.

  • ECG Monitors: Record heart rhythms to detect irregularities.

  • Medication Adherence Trackers: Ensure people take medications as prescribed.

Other conditions require more complicated devices that require training from your provider, including:

  • Apnea monitors

  • Heart monitors

  • Special monitors for dementia and Parkinson’s disease

  • Breathing apparatuses

  • Fetal monitors

Let’s review each of the less complex medical devices in turn.

Essential Devices for Home Health Monitoring

Smart scales for weight and body composition

Smart scale with monitor

A study in England showed that smart scale users who weighed themselves often were more likely to lose weight, and weigh themselves after recent weight loss (Sperrin et al., 2016).

Smart scales go beyond measuring weight; they can also analyze body composition, including body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density. These scales connect to health apps, allowing users to track their progress over time.

Before measuring your body composition:

  • Don’t drink alcohol for 2 days before measuring.

  • Avoid exercise, coffee, chocolate, or other diuretics (drinks that make you pee a lot) for 12 hours.

  • Don’t eat or drink anything for 4 hours before.

  • Don’t measure if you’re sick with a fever or diarrhea.

  • Use the bathroom within 30 minutes of measuring.

How to use a smart scale

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to measure your body composition:

  1. Enter your age, sex, and height into the device.

  2. Stand in the right position to ensure you’re touching the electrodes properly.

  3. If your hands and feet are very dry, use a damp cloth to moisten them.

  4. Stand still during the measurement.

These devices may show body fat as a percentage, but don’t rely on just one measurement. Take three in a row, find the average (add the results, then divide by three), and write it down in a health log or app.

Blood pressure monitors

Woman on couch with Blood pressure monitor at home

Blood pressure monitors are essential for people with hypertension or heart conditions. These devices provide accurate readings of systolic and diastolic blood pressure to manage cardiovascular health.

Before taking your blood pressure:

  • Don’t measure your blood pressure until at least 30 minutes after having tea, coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes, or exercising.

  • Remove tight clothes and use the bathroom. 

How to use a blood pressure monitor

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to take your blood pressure:

  1. Sit in a chair with back support, and legs uncrossed with feet flat on the floor. Rest your arm on a table at heart level.

  2. Put the cuff on their bare arm and start measuring. Don’t move or talk during the measurement.

  3. Take two readings one minute apart, and take the average of them (add the results, then divide by two). For better accuracy, you can do three readings, but it’s optional.

  4. Write down the final number in a health log or app to track any changes. 

Glucose meters for diabetes management

Glucose meter on hand with a blood drop

Glucose meters, or glucometers, are crucial for diabetes management, which helps people  monitor their blood sugar levels regularly. Some advanced models can sync with smartphones and health apps for easy tracking and data sharing with healthcare providers.

How to use a glucose meter

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to measure your blood sugar:

  1. Check if that the test strips have not expired.

  2. Wash and dry your hands.

  3. Take a test strip and close the container. Use a new lancet each time.

  4. Put the lancet in the right spot on the device and set how deep it will prick based on what works for you or how thick your skin is.

  5. After loading the device, prick your ring or middle finger. You might need to gently squeeze your finger for enough blood.

    Once the blood touches the strip, the meter will take a moment to complete the measurement. The result will show up on the device or your phone.

  6. Throw away the used lancet in a special container for sharp objects and the strip in a biohazard bin. You might need to press your finger with cotton to stop bleeding. You can clean the lancet tip with an alcohol wipe. Write down your blood sugar reading right away in a health log.

Pulse oximeters for oxygen saturation levels

Man taking pulse oximeter reading

Pulse oximeters measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood, which is vital for people with respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or COVID-19. These devices are easy to use and provide quick, accurate readings.

Before you take a measurement with a pulse oximeter, remove any nail polish from the finger you’re going to use.

How to use a pulse oximeter

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to measure your oxygen level:

  1. Wash and dry your hands.

  2. Put the device on your finger so it’s not too loose or tight. Don’t use a finger with a tattoo or henna on it.

  3. Make sure your finger covers the lights and sensor properly.

  4. Avoid bright light, which can cause errors. If you can’t, cover the device with a cloth.

  5. Start the device, and keep your finger still during measurement.

Every few days of use, clean the device with an alcohol wipe to ensure accurate readings.

Wearable fitness trackers and smartwatches

Woman in a jacket touching smart watch

Wearable fitness trackers and smartwatches monitor various health metrics, including heart rate, steps taken, calories burned, and sleep patterns. They are popular for their convenience and integration with health and fitness apps.

Note that sometimes, these devices make errors. These errors can happen because the sensors in these devices aren’t perfect at counting or estimating. For example, fitness trackers worn on the wrist may count fewer steps than you actually take if you walk slowly (Hicks et al., 2019).

ECG monitors

Irregular heartbeats, known as heart rate arrhythmia, are a major sign of common heart diseases and can be very dangerous. Because these irregularities can happen suddenly, are hard to notice, and change quickly, it’s important to keep track of heart rate changes in real-time to spot and prevent problems early (Zhang & Yang, 2023).

ECG monitor closeup on stomach

A home electrocardiogram (ECG) monitor can track your heart rate. Note that while wearable ECG monitors can detect heart rhythm issues, but may miss some due to intermittent recording. They’re usually expensive and not covered by insurance. 

Medical-grade monitors are more accurate, using chest sensors for continuous recording. Personal devices use wrist or finger sensors and may require manual activation, making them less reliable for serious conditions (Samaan, 2022).

Before measuring your heartbeat:

  • Move electronic devices, metal, and magnets away from the ECG device.

  • Sit quietly for 5 minutes.

How to use

Mondal & Mondal (2021) recommend the following steps to analyze your heartbeat:

  1. If your hands are dry, use a damp cloth to moisten them.

  2. Follow the instructions to place the electrodes correctly.

  3. Start the device. Don’t move or talk during the measurement.

  4. Have a doctor look at the results afterward.

Medication adherence trackers

Taking your medication as prescribed is a critical part of your overall health and wellness. To help you remember when to take your meds, use one or more medication adherence monitoring technologies like:

  • Medication reminder apps

  • Electronic pill boxes, bags, or bottles

  • Ingestible sensors

  • Blister packs

While these devices offer real-time data and improve adherence monitoring, they face challenges like accuracy issues and expensive implementation. Most rely on proxy measures like device opening events, limiting data precision, and integration with clinical systems is a challenge. (Mason et al., 2022).

Next, we’ll learn how to pick the right health monitoring device for your specific needs.

Choosing the Right Monitoring Devices

Factors to consider when selecting devices

Purple pulse oximeter and mask

When choosing home health monitoring devices, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of Use: Devices should be user-friendly, especially for those with limited technical skills.

  • Accuracy and Reliability: Look for devices with proven accuracy and reliability, supported by clinical validation.

  • Compatibility: Ensure devices are compatible with your smartphone, tablet, or other health platforms.

  • Battery Life: Consider devices with long battery life to avoid frequent recharging.

  • Customer Support: Opt for brands that offer robust customer support and warranty services.

Compatibility with smartphones and other tech

Many home health monitoring devices are designed to sync with smartphones and other tech platforms. This integration allows for seamless data transfer, real-time monitoring, and easy access to health metrics through dedicated apps.

Accuracy and reliability of different brands

To ensure you choose the right device, check that the device is approved by the proper authority such as the FDA or ISO (Mondal & Mondal, 2021).

Research and reviews can also help determine the accuracy and reliability of different brands. Look for devices with positive feedback from users and healthcare professionals, and check for any clinical validation or certifications. 

Once you get your medical device, it’s important to use them properly, and calibrate them at the intervals the manufacturer recommends to maintain its accuracy (Mondal & Mondal, 2021). 

Budget considerations and cost-effectiveness

While some advanced devices can be expensive, there are cost-effective options available that still offer reliable performance. Consider your budget and prioritize devices that provide the best value for money without compromising on essential features.

Once you’ve chosen your devices, it’s vital to address the important aspects of data protection and privacy.

Privacy and Security Considerations

Blue lock shield

Home health monitoring and remote patient monitoring (RPM) are part of telehealth.  Telehealth provides convenience, but also comes with security risks and issues (Houser et al., 2023):

Let’s look at a few best practices to protect and secure your personal health information.

Protect your health data from breaches

Health data is sensitive and must be protected from breaches. Some tips:

  • Use strong passwords for your health apps and devices.

  • Turn on two-factor authentication in your apps.

  • Use email, chat, or messages through the patient portal. This is especially useful when a private location is temporarily unavailable. If the situation isn’t temporary, ask your health provider for suggestions (Houser et al., 2023).

  • Regularly update your software to protect against vulnerabilities.

Understand data ownership and sharing policies

Some apps may share data with third parties for research or marketing purposes. Read the privacy policies of your health apps and devices to understand who owns your data and they share it. Opt for apps that prioritize user privacy and offer clear data ownership policies.

Secure your home network for health devices

Some tips to secure your home network include:

  • Use a strong Wi-Fi password and enabling network encryption.

  • Check the URL address bar of your browser before you enter your personal information on a website. A secure website will show a lock icon in the address bar, and look for https:// at the beginning of the URL (as some do not include the “s”).

  • Install and use anti-virus software on your devices.

  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for health monitoring, as they are more susceptible to breaches.

Check compliance with health data regulations 

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a regulation in the U.S. that protects the privacy and security of people’s personal health information. Check whether your health monitoring devices and apps are HIPAA-compliant before you use them, or the similar standards in your region if you’re not in the U.S. (Gerke et al., 2020).

Now that you know how to secure your data, it’s time to create an effective monitoring environment in your home.

Setting Up Your Home Health Monitoring System

Create a dedicated space for health monitoring

Black woman smiling at phone with glucose meter on arm

Designate a specific area in your home for health monitoring. This space should be quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions to ensure accurate measurements. Keep all your monitoring devices and accessories organized and easily accessible.

Connect devices to your home network

Most home health monitoring devices use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect to your home network. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to pair each device with your smartphone or tablet. Ensure your home network is secure to protect your health data.

Sync devices with health apps and platforms

Download the necessary health apps for your devices and create accounts if required. Synchronize your devices with these apps to enable data transfer and real-time monitoring. Popular health platforms include Apple Health, Google Fit, and dedicated apps from device manufacturers.

Set a daily routine for regular measurements

Consistency is key to effective home health monitoring. Establish a routine for taking measurements, such as checking your blood pressure every morning or measuring your blood glucose levels before meals. Set reminders on your smartphone to help you stay on track.

With your system set up, let’s see how to make sense of the data you’re collecting.

Interpreting and Using Health Data

Learn about health metrics 

Get familiar with the health metrics your devices track, and understand what they mean. For example, know the normal ranges for blood pressure, blood glucose, and oxygen saturation levels. Health apps often provide explanations and visualizations to help you interpret the data (Chan et al., 2022).

Recognize normal ranges and potential red flags

Knowing the normal ranges for your health metrics allows you to identify potential red flags. For instance, a consistently high blood pressure reading may indicate hypertension, while low oxygen saturation levels could signal respiratory issues (Chan et al., 2022). Consult your healthcare provider if you notice any abnormal readings.

Set health goals and track progress

Use the data from your monitoring devices to set health goals, such as achieving a target weight or maintaining stable blood glucose levels. Track your progress over time and adjust your goals as needed. Health apps often offer goal-setting features and progress-tracking tools.

Share data with healthcare providers securely

Many health apps allow you to share your data with healthcare providers securely. This can be done through app integrations, email, or cloud storage platforms. Sharing your data helps your healthcare provider make informed decisions about your treatment plan and monitor your progress remotely.

Maximizing the Benefits of Home Health Monitoring

To get the most out of your home health monitoring system, consider these strategies for integrating it into your daily life.

Black woman gold top showing phone with glucose meter on arm

Integrate monitoring in your daily routine

Include health monitoring into your daily routine to make it a habit. For example, you can check your blood pressure while having your morning coffee or track your steps during your evening walk. Consistency ensures accurate data and better health management (Kariuki, n.d.).

Make lifestyle improvements

Use the insights from your health data to make positive lifestyle changes. For instance, if your fitness tracker shows low activity levels, you can set a goal to increase your daily steps. If your blood glucose levels are high, you can adjust your diet and exercise routine accordingly (Kariuki, n.d.).

Combine monitoring with telehealth services

Telehealth services complement home health monitoring by providing remote consultations with healthcare providers. Share your health data during these virtual visits to receive personalized advice and treatment plans. Telehealth can be especially beneficial for managing chronic conditions and reducing the need for in-person visits.

Involve your family in health-tracking

Involving family members in your health monitoring can provide additional support and motivation. Share your health goals and progress with them, and encourage them to participate in health-tracking activities. This can create a supportive environment and improve overall health outcomes.


Setting up a home health monitoring system is a proactive step to take charge of your well-being. Once you choose the right devices, set a consistent monitoring routine, and learn how to interpret your health data, you can gain valuable insights into your body’s needs and trends. 

Remember, home health monitoring is no substitute for professional medical advice. Use your newfound knowledge to have more informed discussions with your healthcare provider, ask questions, and make proactive decisions about your health. With the right approach, home health monitoring can lead to better health outcomes and an improved quality of life.

Which health monitors and wearables do you use, and how do they help you?


Chan, A., Cohen, R., Robinson, M., Bhardwaj, D., Gregson, G., Jutai, J. W., Millar, J., Rincón, A. R., & Fekr, A. R. (2022). Evidence and User Considerations of Home Health Monitoring for Older Adults: Scoping Review. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 5(4).

Consumer HealthTech Research Report. (2023). AnalyticsIQ. Retrieved from

Gerke, S., Shachar, C., Chai, P. R., & Cohen, I. G. (2020). Regulatory, safety, and privacy concerns of home monitoring technologies during COVID-19. Nature Medicine, 26(8), 1176.

Hicks, J. L., Althoff, T., Sosic, R., Kuhar, P., Bostjancic, B., King, A. C., Leskovec, J., & Delp, S. L. (2019). Best practices for analyzing large-scale health data from wearables and smartphone apps. Npj Digital Medicine; 2(1), 1-12.

Home Health Monitoring. (2024). Dusun. Retrieved from

Houser, S. H., Flite, C. A., & Foster, S. L. (2023). Privacy and Security Risk Factors Related to Telehealth Services – A Systematic Review. Perspectives in Health Information Management; 20(1). 

Imtyaz Ahmed, M., & Kannan, G. (2022). Secure and lightweight privacy preserving Internet of things integration for remote patient monitoring. Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences; 34(9), 6895-6908.

Kariuki, F. (n.d.). The Top 13 Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring. Health Recovery Solutions. Retrieved from

Mason, M., Cho, Y., Rayo, J., Gong, Y., Harris, M., & Jiang, Y. (2022). Technologies for Medication Adherence Monitoring and Technology Assessment Criteria: Narrative Review. JMIR MHealth and UHealth; 10(3).

Mondal, H., & Mondal, S. (2021). Basic technology and proper usage of home health monitoring devices. Malaysian Family Physician: The Official Journal of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia;16(1), 8-14.

Samaan, S. (2022). Are Home ECG Monitors Reliable? GoodRx Health. Retrieved from

Sperrin, M. et al.  (2016). Who self-weighs and what do they gain from it? A retrospective comparison between smart scale users and the general population in England. Journal of Medical Internet Research; 18, e17.

Story, M. F. (2010). National Research Council (US) Committee on the Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care. The Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 8, Medical Devices in Home Health Care. Retrieved from

Telehealth and remote patient monitoring. (n.d.). Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Retrieved from

Zhang, J. & Yang, H. (2023). A Privacy-preserving Remote Heart Rate Abnormality Monitoring System. IEEE Access; 11, 97089-97098. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3312549

Top 10 Best AI Health Apps

Top 10 Best AI Health Apps

AI Health Tech

In today’s fast-paced world, staying on top of your health can be a challenge. Why not use your smartphone as your personal health assistant? Whether you’re looking to manage a chronic disease or simply keep track of your fitness goals, there’s an artificial intelligence (AI) health app for that. 

44% of smartphone users have at least one health app installed (Beckham, 2024) and use it to track and analyze their well-being. Let’s explore the top 10 best AI health apps changing the game in personal wellness management, and how to decide which one’s best for you.


What Are AI Health Monitoring Apps?

Menstruation app tracker

AI health apps are more than just fancy gadgets. They leverage machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze data from various sources, such as wearable devices, medical history, and biometric data. 

Benefits of Using AI for Health-Tracking

Woman standing by window looking at phone

Why should you consider using an AI health app? Smartphones and smartwatches can keep track of your health using AI to analyze your health data and monitor everything from your heart rate to your sleep patterns, helping you stay on top of your health. A few more compelling reasons include access to:

An AI health app can track your physical activity, monitor your heart rate, and even analyze your sleep patterns. This info can help you understand your overall health better and make informed decisions.

With so many options available, it’s important to know what features make a great AI health app.

What to Look for in Health Apps

Medicine reminder on tablet

When choosing an AI health app, it’s essential to know what features to look for. Here are some must-have features:

  • Activity Tracking: Monitor your daily physical activity, including steps taken, calories burned, and workout intensity.
  • Heart Rate Monitoring: Keep track of your heart rate during different activities and rest periods.
  • Sleep Tracking: Analyze your sleep patterns to improve your sleep quality.
  • Nutrition Tracking: Log your meals and monitor your calorie intake.
  • Symptom Checker: Identify potential health issues based on your symptoms.
  • Medication Reminders: Get reminders to take your medications on time.
  • Data Privacy: Ensure your health data is secure and private.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate and use, even for non-tech-savvy users.

These features can help you manage your health more effectively and make the app a valuable tool in your daily life.

Now that we know what to look for, let’s explore some of the top AI health apps on the market.

Our Picks: The 10 Best AI Health Apps

1. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal app

MyFitnessPal, developed by Under Armour, is a health app that focuses on nutrition and fitness tracking. It helps users log their meals, track their calorie intake, and monitor their physical activity.

Key Features:

  • Calorie counter
  • Nutrition tracking
  • Exercise tracking
  • Integration with other fitness apps and devices

Extensive food databaseAds in the free version
User-friendly interfaceSome features require a premium subscription

Use Case 

Ideal for individuals looking to manage their diet and fitness goals.

2. Fitbit

Fitbit smartwatch

Fitbit, now owned by Google, is a well-known name in the fitness tracking industry. The app works with Fitbit wearable devices to monitor various health metrics.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Personalized health insights

Comprehensive health-trackingRequires a Fitbit device
User-friendly interfaceSome features require a premium subscription

Use Case 

Suitable for fitness enthusiasts who want a detailed analysis of their health metrics.

3. Headspace


Headspace is a mental health app that focuses on meditation and mindfulness. It helps users manage stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being.

Key Features:

  • Guided meditation sessions
  • Sleep sounds and bedtime stories
  • Stress management tools
  • Personalized recommendations

High-quality content Subscription required for full access
User-friendly interfaceLimited free content

Use Case 

Great for individuals looking to improve their mental health and reduce stress.

4. Apple Health

Apple Health app

Apple Health is a built-in app for iOS devices that consolidates health data from various sources. It provides a deep overview of your health metrics.

Key Features:

  • Activity and exercise tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Integration with third-party apps

Integrates with multiple devicesOnly available on iOS
Comprehensive health dataLimited customization options

Use Case 

Perfect for iPhone users who want a centralized health-tracking solution.

5. Samsung Health

Samsung Health

Samsung Health is a versatile health app available for Android and iOS devices. It tracks various health metrics and offers personalized health insights.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Stress management tools

Wide range of featuresSome features require Samsung devices
User-friendly interfaceAds in the free version

Use Case 

Ideal for Samsung device users looking for a detailed health-tracking app.

6. Garmin Connect

Garmin Connect works with Garmin wearable devices to provide detailed health and fitness tracking. It shows data about your physical activity, sleep, and more.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Sleep analysis
  • Workout planner

Detailed health insightsRequires a Garmin device
CustomizableSome features are complex

Use Case 

Best for athletes and fitness enthusiasts using Garmin devices.

7. Oura

Oura Ring app

Oura is the health app that comes with the Oura Ring to track various health metrics, including sleep, activity, and readiness.

Key Features:

  • Sleep tracking
  • Activity tracking
  • Readiness score
  • Personalized insights

Accurate sleep trackingExpensive
Comprehensive health dataRequires the Oura Ring

Use Case 

Suitable for individuals focused on improving their sleep and overall health.

8. Google Fit

Google Fit app

Google Fit is a health app developed by Google that tracks your physical activity and provides personalized health insights.

Key Features:

  • Activity tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Integration with other fitness apps
  • Personalized goals

Free to useLimited advanced features
Works with multiple devicesBasic interface

Use Case 

Ideal for Android users looking for a free health-tracking solution.

9. Noom

Noom Linkedin post

Noom is a health app that focuses on weight loss and healthy living through behavioral science. It offers personalized coaching and meal tracking.

Key Features:

  • Calorie counter
  • Nutrition tracking
  • Personalized coaching
  • Behavioral insights

Personalized approachSubscription required
Effective weight loss programTime-consuming

Use Case 

Great for individuals looking to lose weight and adopt healthier habits.

10. Flo

Flo app

Flo is an app designed for women’s health. It tracks menstrual cycles and ovulation, and offers personalized health insights.

Key Features:

  • Menstrual cycle tracking
  • Ovulation prediction
  • Health insights
  • Symptom checker

Comprehensive women’s health-trackingSome features require a subscription
User-friendly interfaceAds in the free version

Use Case 

Ideal for women looking to track their menstrual health and fertility.

With all these great options, how do you pick the right one for you? Next we’ll look at some tips to help you decide.

How to Choose the Right App for Your Needs

Person touching their fitness watch

Choosing the right AI health app can be overwhelming with so many options available. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Determine Your Needs: Determine what health metrics you want to track and what features are most important to you.
  • Check Compatibility: Ensure the app is compatible with your devices and other health apps you use.
  • Read Reviews: Look for user reviews and ratings to get an idea of the app’s performance and reliability.
  • Consider Privacy: Make sure the app has robust privacy and security measures to protect your data.
  • Try Free Versions: Many apps offer free versions or trials. Test them out before committing to a subscription.

By considering these factors, you can find an app that meets your health-tracking needs and fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

While these apps can be incredibly helpful, it’s crucial to consider how they handle your personal information.

Privacy and Security Considerations

A running app on phone with sneakers

When it comes to health apps, privacy and security are paramount. Here are some key considerations (ERTech, 2023):

  • Data Encryption: Ensure the app uses encryption to protect your data during transmission and storage.
  • Secure Authentication: Look for apps that offer multi-factor authentication to verify your identity.
  • Clear Privacy Policies: The app should have a transparent privacy policy that is easy to understand.
  • Data Sharing: Be cautious of apps that share your data with third parties, especially for advertising purposes.

A study in the British Medical Journal found that many health apps have serious privacy issues, including a lack of transparency in their privacy policies (Grundy et al., 2019). It’s crucial to choose apps that prioritize your data privacy and security.

As exciting as current AI health apps are, the future holds even more promise. Let’s take a look at what’s coming.

The Future of AI in Health Monitoring

fitness watch closeup

The future of AI in health monitoring looks promising. Here are some trends to watch:

  • Advanced Predictive Analysis: AI will become better at predicting health issues before they occur, leading to more proactive healthcare.
  • Integration with Telemedicine: AI health apps will work more seamlessly with telemedicine services, providing a well-rounded healthcare solution.
  • Personalized Healthcare: AI will continue to offer more personal tips tailored to individual needs and preferences.
  • Improved Data Privacy: As privacy concerns grow, AI health apps will adopt more advanced privacy-preserving techniques, such as federated learning and differential privacy (Yadav et al., 2023).


AI health monitoring apps are powerful tools that put wellness management at your fingertips. From tracking your sleep patterns to monitoring your heart rate, these smart applications offer personalized insights to help you make informed decisions about your health. 

Remember, while these apps are incredibly useful, they’re not a replacement for professional medical advice. Use them as a complement to regular check-ups and always consult with your healthcare provider for serious concerns. By choosing the right app and prioritizing privacy and security, you can take control of your health and well-being. 


Beckman, J. (2024). 30 Amazing Mobile Health Technology Statistics. Tech Report. Retrieved from

Best Practices for Healthcare Privacy in Mobile Apps. ERTech. Retrieved from

Grundy, Q., Chiu, K., Held, F., Continella, A., Bero, L., & Holz, R. (2019). Data sharing practices of medicines related apps and the mobile ecosystem: Traffic, content, and network analysis. BMJ, 364, l920.

Yadav, N., Pandey, S., Gupta, A., Dudani, P., Gupta, S., & Rangarajan, K. Data Privacy in Healthcare: In the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Indian Dermatology Online Journal, 14(6), 788-792.